What kind of watch do you wear?

on Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Former legislator, sometimes columnist and South Windsor attorney Keven Rennie has posted an interesting piece on his site, "Daily Ructions"; Will Anyone Answer, “The Bada Bing”?

Rennie begins:
`The Heart papers of Connecticut (Connecticut Post, Danbury News-Times, Greenwich Time, and Stamford Advocate) have posed 16 questions the candidates for governor and the United States Senate. They’ve also requested a photographer be allowed to take pictures of each candidate’s living room.'

While Rennie's piece has a sarcastic tone, "........will they answer honestly?" it stuck me that assuming they did, such seemingly obscure information would paint a clearer picture of just who the candidates are than they're respective handlers might approve.

Personally, I don't care how much money they've got - I just want to vote for the candidate that strikes me as thrifty; hopefully at least one of them will admit to decorating in part from tag sales or thrift stores.

Here are the 16 questions, and below them in italics my own answers.

1. How many residences do you own? What is the size of each house (including lot size)? How many rooms? What is the assessed value? Would you agree to have a photograph taken in your living room?

one; the rest is none of anyone's business

2. Would you provide us a photocopy of the front sheet of your most recent IRS tax filing, including income, tax deductions and taxes paid?


3) What are the years, makes and models of the personal vehicles owned or leased by you/for you and your immediate family members?

97 Buick
99 Cadillac
04 Mercury

4) Are any boats, planes or recreational vehicles owned by you or leased by you or for you? If so, please provide the particulars.

Regretfully - No

5) What kind of watch do you wear?


6) Where was your most recent family vacation? Where did you stay?

Cape Cod at my in-laws

7) Where do you buy your business attire?

Syms & Ebay (Yes, as a matter of fact I am a cheap Yankee!)

8) Where do your children attend school?


9) Are you a member of any private clubs – country clubs, dinner clubs, etc.?

Freemason, otherwise no

10) How much do you pay for a haircut/hairstyling? Where do you go?

12 bucks, someone downtown

11) What is your favorite alcoholic beverage?

none - prefer coffee (I am however fond of the Italian Liqueur, "Strega", but rarely have any around (see #7))

12) Do you have any hobbies?

What'a a hobby?

13) What restaurant do you most frequently patronize?

A nice place in Meriden

14) With what insurance company do you have family health coverage? Is it employer-provided? What are your own monthly premiums? Deductibles and co-pays?


15) Do you employ any household staff? If so, please detail.


16) How much did you donate to charity last year? What charity is the principal recipient of your donations?

beween 8 - 11% of our total gross income to church and other non-politically charged charitable groups; 5% (not a write-off) to various Republican causes


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