Happy Birthday Dick Bozzuto!

on Monday, March 15, 2010

Former Connecticut State Senator Dick Bozzuto (R-32)
turns 80 March 16th 2010.

Richard Carl Bozzuto, Sr. served 8 years in the Connecticut Senate first elected in 1972, including 2 years as minority leader (1978-80)

Bozzuto also served locally on the Watertown Town Council for two two year terms.

He has been the Director of the Waterbury Foundation, Waterbury Club, Litchfield County University Club and Naugatuck Valley Community College Foundation. He has been active in his community, serving as Vice-President of the Connecticut Jaycees, and President of the local chapter in Watertown.
Dick has been the Director of the Waterbury Foundation, Waterbury Club, Litchfield County University Club and Naugatuck Valley Community College Foundation.

Bozzuto's selfless, altruistic dedication to public service remains unwavering as Dick continues to serve, currently as a Commissioner on the Elections Enforcement Commission.

In 2006 someone on the then largest political blog site in the state,(however now defunct) Connecticut Local Politics inquired:
"...can you give us a history lesson? What is the big deal with Bozzuto?"

I gave a lengthy response which along with the entire thread remains online here: http://www.ctlocalpolitics.net/archive/?p=1073#comment-21367

Dick was the most loyal ranking Republican I ever had the honor to associate with in my life.

Many single words could be used to describe him, including; Good, fair, honest, but the one overwhelming characteristic he still enjoys is kind. The man is kind to fault even eclipsing the one thing upon which he most prides himself – loyal.


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