Lamont Muses Over a Run Against Rell

on Friday, March 6, 2009
THREE years after an unlikely quest for the United States Senate established Ned Lamont as a national Democratic figure, he said he is weighing another electoral adventure: a challenge to Gov. M. Jodi Rell, one Republican whose political fortunes have not fallen with the Dow.

Lamont with campaign advisor, humanitarian, and tea-leaf reader Markos Moulitsas

Moulitsas, known by his minions as "Kos" will surely help Lamont in his bid for Governor by attracting Veterans thanks to his vocal support a few years ago.

"I feel nothing over the death of merceneries [sic]....
Screw them."

Supporters would have to make a choice between he and Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy should Lamont enter the race.

Lamont's entry would signal a first in Connecticut Democratic politics as in the past they've chosen between a corrupt official and only one douch bag, they've never previously been given a choice in the douch bag field despite having an incredible number of them holding office in both chambers of the Connecticut legislature.

Connecticut Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz claims to have a lock on the shrill bitch voter block at this time, leaving only former Connecticut House Speaker Jim Amann without any natural constituency aside from "normal" Democrats, only time will tell if enough of those remain in Connecticut.


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