Caligiuri Announces Tuesday

on Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Message from Sam Caligiuri

Dear Friends,

As my closest friends and supporters, I want you to be the first invited to what I believe will be an exciting event. You may have heard rumors or read news reports of my potential plans for the future. Well, I am close to a decision and want you to be a part of this journey from the start.

This Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 10 a.m., I invite you to my home, 25 Hartley Drive, Waterbury, Conn. for an announcement regarding my future and the 2010 United States Senate race in Connecticut.

Your support has always been generous and unyielding. I am grateful for all that you have done for me in the past and encourage you to join me on Tuesday for this announcement. Your attendance would mean a great deal to my family and me.

A flyer, directions and parking instructions are attached. While this is an informal event, please reply to Peter Bowman at peter (at) if you are able to attend or if you have any questions about the announcement.

Again, I send my sincere thanks to all of you for your previous support. I look forward to seeing you this Tuesday and sharing with you my plans for the future.


New Study Says Arbitration Works for Consumers

on Monday, March 23, 2009
A new study released by Northwestern University's Searle Civil Justice Institute challenges claims that mandatory arbitration favors corporations over consumers.

The Wall Street Journal reports on the study:

* Consumers, on average, wrapped up their arbitrations in 6.9 months.

* Consumers won some relief in 51.8 percent of the cases filed against repeat businesses ─ close to the 55.3 percent win rate that consumers enjoyed against non-repeat businesses.

* Consumers recovered an average award of $19,255

This comprehensive review of empirical evidence appears to demonstrate that not only does arbitration reduce frivolous lawsuits and reduce pressure on our already strained legal system; but also provides fair and timely outcomes for consumers and business interests.

See the Searle Institute policy breifing here:

Searle Civil Justice Institue Consumer Arbitration Press Conference from Jeff Cook on Vimeo.

Murphy a Day Late and Millions Short

on Thursday, March 19, 2009

Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Chris Healy issued this statement today:

Congressman Chris Murphy's attempt to cover his blind support for the $750 billion stimulus bill which led to underserved bonuses to corporate pirates will fool no one in the Fifth Congressional District, according to Republican State Party Chairman Chris Healy Thursday.

"Chris Murphy didn't the read the bill that caused this problem and now he has seen the light," said Healy. "Maybe if Murphy was paying attention to the details and stopped following Sen. Chris Dodd around like lemming, the taxpayers wouldn't have been ripped off."

Murphy, a member of the House Financial Service Committee, which has oversight over the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), voted for the stimulus bill along with his colleagues from Connecticut, John Larson, D-1, Rosa DeLauro, D-3 and Jim Himes, D-4. Congressman Joe Courtney, D-2, was the lone member of the delegation to vote against the stimulus bill - along with the entire Republican House caucus. According to Murphy's own website, the committee is, "critical to Connecticut since the state is at the epicenter of the financial service industry, which provides thousands of jobs in the Fifth District and the state."

Late Wednesday, it was disclosed that Sen. Dodd has knowingly allowed a provision that would have allowed bonuses to be paid to numerous financial institutions prior to February 11. Initially, Dodd said he and his staff had nothing to do with the amendment allowing for those payments.

Murphy's plan to stop all future payments misses the entire point, Healy said, because the entire approach by the Democrats has never worked in the recorded history of free market capitalism.

"Republicans have been saying from the start that you can't spend your way out of recession if the government is doing the spending," said Healy. "Chris Murphy believes the government has to be in charge of all of our businesses, picking winners and losers and setting pay schedules and compensation limits. It didn't work when the Iron Curtain was up and it won't work now."

Healy said Murphy credibility has been shredded on this issue and his calls for new laws - after the fact - are shallow and will have no impact.

"The contracts in question have to be honored - it is the foundation of our Constitution," said Healy. "Murphy is a lawyer and he would be the first one in court demanding that his client keep his pay."

Now, Healy argues, Murphy is trying to close the barn door.

"The tax money have been lost, but the good news is Chris Murphy now understands Congressmen are paid to read the bills they vote so the tax payers aren't paying bigger bills for years to come," said Healy. "Maybe if Chris Murphy spent more time actually being a Congressman than running for Congress, the people of the Fifth District might have some hope for the future."

A Worthy Cause Made Worthier

on Monday, March 16, 2009
Many of you may know Chad Barth, Voter Vault Director for the Republican National Committee.

When he's not working tirelessly for the Republican Party, Chad takes to concert promoting, for charity.

Now in its third year, the Concert For Epilepsy has raised thousands of dollars for the National Walk For Epilepsy.

This year's concert is this Friday, March 20th. For those of you unable to make the trip to DC, I urge you to join me in purchasing a ticket for a Walter Reed Veteran. That's right, if you're unable to attend but would like to contribute, your ticket will be donated to a veteran at Walter Reed Hospital.

Contribute to these two worthy causes HERE. Tickets are only $25 dollars.

What's Bush Been Doing Lately Anyway?

on Saturday, March 14, 2009
Now that so many of us find ourselves missing Bush a lot more than many thought they would, we might wonder;

"I wonder what good old George is up to these days?"

George Bush makes surprise visit to SMU

Former President George W. Bush made a surprise campus appearance Tuesday morning, taking pictures with students before disappearing in one of four black SUVs.

The ex-president was on campus to give a speech to one of Professor Harold Stanley’s political science classes in the Dedman Life and Science building. SMU President Gerald Turner and several Secret Service agents accompanied Bush as he greeted students for about 15 minutes outside Dedman after his speech.

Courtney O’Callaghan, sophomore journalism and advertising double major, said, “Congratulations on your new library.” Bush responded, “It should be a cool place.”

More Photos In This Slide Show

This Might Get Revolting!

on Tuesday, March 10, 2009

About six minutes, and worth watching.

Open Season on the Roman Catholic Church

on Monday, March 9, 2009
A law specifically targeting a single denomination.

"A corporation may be organized in connection with any Roman Catholic Church or congregation in this state...."

Bill No. 1098

Full copy here.

Overt bigotry towards Catholics is accepted behavior in some circles;
certainly by the two legislators above.

Do the two pictures above differ radically from the one below?

Public Hearing Wednesday

Legislative Office Building
300 Capitol Avenue

The Judiciary Committee will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at
12:00 P. M. in Room 2C of the LOB.
Please submit 45 copies of written testimony to Committee staff at least two hours prior to the start of the hearing in Room 2500 of the LOB.
Testimony submitted after the designated time may not be distributed until after the hearing.
Sign-up for the hearing will begin at 10:00 A. M. in Room 2500 of the LOB. Sign-up will conclude 30 minutes before the start of the hearing.
Speaker order will be decided by a lottery system.
Anyone wishing to testify after the drawing is closed will be placed at the end of the list.
The first hour of the hearing is reserved for Constitutional Officers, State Agency Heads, Municipal Chief Elected Officials and Legislators.
Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes of testimony.

Healthcare for The Children!

on Saturday, March 7, 2009
If you don't smoke, we'll shoot the boy!


Yes folks it's true!

President Obama has signed into law the S-CHIP bill which will grant healthcare to poor children and it's being 100% funded by increased tobacco taxes.
Lighting up has never been so important before.


This child didn't have to die.
If only more people would have done their part and smoked.


This lucky child will live because someone cared enough to smoke!


Won't you join our President and enjoy tobacco products?
Remember, it's for the children.

Lamont Muses Over a Run Against Rell

on Friday, March 6, 2009
THREE years after an unlikely quest for the United States Senate established Ned Lamont as a national Democratic figure, he said he is weighing another electoral adventure: a challenge to Gov. M. Jodi Rell, one Republican whose political fortunes have not fallen with the Dow.

Lamont with campaign advisor, humanitarian, and tea-leaf reader Markos Moulitsas

Moulitsas, known by his minions as "Kos" will surely help Lamont in his bid for Governor by attracting Veterans thanks to his vocal support a few years ago.

"I feel nothing over the death of merceneries [sic]....
Screw them."

Supporters would have to make a choice between he and Stamford Mayor Dan Malloy should Lamont enter the race.

Lamont's entry would signal a first in Connecticut Democratic politics as in the past they've chosen between a corrupt official and only one douch bag, they've never previously been given a choice in the douch bag field despite having an incredible number of them holding office in both chambers of the Connecticut legislature.

Connecticut Secretary of State, Susan Bysiewicz claims to have a lock on the shrill bitch voter block at this time, leaving only former Connecticut House Speaker Jim Amann without any natural constituency aside from "normal" Democrats, only time will tell if enough of those remain in Connecticut.