New Years Resolutions

on Friday, December 28, 2007
Seeing as apparently implying that people that act like Nazis are acting like Nazis is offensive to the Nazis - we fully intend to keep it up.

Litchfield Historical Commission

Merry Christmas! (when applicable)

on Monday, December 24, 2007
To All My Democrat Friends:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for th e religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.
I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual preference of the wishes.

To My Republican Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Why Litchfield's been acting so strangely ...

on Sunday, December 23, 2007
This shipment was headed for Litchfield, CT but obviously didn't make it.

Yes folks, the poor people of Litchfield have lost their bananas!

This explains everything!

Litchfield Historical Commission ......

on Saturday, December 22, 2007
...examines what Santa left them in their stockings.

Let's whine & fuss and ignore the law!

on Saturday, December 8, 2007
I got an email this afternoon that indicated political allies of mine were fielding heat over a two month old posting of mine.

Let it be known that I'd rather be loyal than right and I'd be happy (as anyone who spends any time surfing between blogs knows), defending myself. It is however another thing altogether when our extremely hard working party chair has to defend me too; and for that (and that alone) I apologize.

Three separate Holocaust survivors (all 3 are very old and somewhat frail) that I have been in contact with have expressed rabid dismay with the actions of the Litchfield Historical Commission - but not with any postings of ours.

Never mind that not one critic of my, or another bloggers posts on that subject, have ever addressed the fact that Litchfield is defying federal law. Quite the contrary -it's clear that those that wish to take this or Cool Justice to task have in fact another far more sinister agenda.

ACR has left the auditorium....

on Sunday, December 2, 2007
Last year Las Vegas decided to go "smoke free" - an interesting concept for a city where virtually everything else is legal, even behavior that's literally felonious elsewhere; but smoking?
Heaven forbid!

Well that sort of nonsense didn't sit well with ACR, or ACR's employer, so our annual corporate meeting was moved to someplace where ashtrays still exist. Las Vegas won't be closing down over this - but their new smoking regulations did cost them over 1.3 Million that we won't be spending there this year.


No way of knowing how reliable the wifi will be, plus there might be time constraints as well.

In the meantime.....
the next Litchfield Hostile Historical Commission meeting is this coming Thursday, December 6th. Those of you that believe in the Constitution should show up - bring tar & feathers and be sure to give them my regards.

Litchfield Protests ACR Post!

on Thursday, November 29, 2007
Ranking Litchfield Democrats (who else?) are simply furious with us!

A two month old post of ours seems to be stiring up trouble in spiffier than thou Litchfield.

Seems they're not wild about the picture we used; maybe they'd have been happier with this:

...or even this!

"The Star of David may not comply with the District"; Litchfield Historic Commission Chair, Wendy Kuhne

Read all about it here: Image on Blog Site Is Fueling a Controversy in Litchfield

..or here:

Litchfield County Times

It's amazing!
All they needed to do in the first place was obey federal law; but they can't seem to grasp that notion!

More sophisticated land-use experts have largely come to the only logical conclusion when it comes to dealing with religious institutions of any kind.
Leave them alone.

Indeed, considering RLUIPA requires the burden be placed not on the applicant, but rather on whatever government entity is seeking to regulate a religious institution and then the government entity must demonstrate a Compelling Interest.

Such a demonstration has yet to be illustrated by the Litchfield Historical Commission; thus their actions thus far are undoubtedly illegal as will any other actions they pursue without first demonstrating their legitimate need....their compelling interest.

More liberty in a former totalitarian state?

on Friday, November 23, 2007
Just as millions of others do,

I enjoy tobacco use, or in my case abuse; and make no apologies for it. Others run around with cat or dog dander on their clothing making innocent allergics sick; in fact over 2000 people unexpectedly die every year due to anaphylactic shock thanks to 2nd hand animal dander.

On the other hand, no one has ever recorded the death of anyone due to a wiff of side-draft tobacco smoke. Side draft smoke is an annoyance issue and nothing else; yet we're passing laws left and right, ruining small private businesses, (usually small breakfast/lunch diners) as fast as we can.

I stumbled across this piece online that originally saw ink in The Moscow News no-less!

Smoking as a Libertarian Cause

It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their consciences.
C.S. Lewis

Moral busybodies are currently trying to ban smoking all over the world. Not just in public places, like post offices and government buildings, but private localities as well. France about to ban smoking in all restaurants and pubs, and Germany has adopted a similar policy. Ireland did so three years ago, and other countries in the EU are following.
Self-appointed protectors of the public good are busy patting each other on their sanctimonious backs without realizing - or giving a damn - that they are in the process of reversing centuries of painfully gained human progress towards greater liberty.
Am I being bombastic? Not in the least. The anti-smoking activist is a fundamentalist. Like a Marxist, he has found the road to utopia and sees it as his heavenly mandate to make sure everybody takes it. Most importantly, he believes in good and evil, and that there can never be a compromise between the two. The totalitarian can never accept that his are only one of many different legitimate values and that others should be allowed to disagree with them. Rather than accept this competition of ideas as a vital aspect of life, he prefers finding a final solution to every problem. While a liberal would try to find a compromise that would take into consideration the wants and needs of everybody - smokers and non-smokers - the fundamentalist cannot even fathom that a compromise is possible.
A fundamentalist does not recognize the autonomy of the private sphere - for him, there is no such thing. He does not recognize the difference between banning smoking in public buildings and banning it on private property. To the fundamentalist, the ‘public good' is paramount and always overrides private rights. He believes in social rights and collective interests, in absolute morality, not in freedom of choice and individual liberty. The fundamentalist always argues for the interest of the people, public welfare, and the benefit of all - as defined by him. He wants to make the world better for everybody by decree.
The anti-smoking fundamentalists have decided that smoking is morally wrong and therefore has to be banned everywhere. Nobody should be allowed to smoke at all. Not in public places, not in private places, not at home. The final goal of the anti-smoking crusader is to ban smoking completely. You don't believe me? I guarantee you that almost all of those in favor of banning smoking in restaurants would prefer a world where smoking was entirely banned.
But since we live in a more or less liberal society, openly arguing for this goal would be dangerous to the fundamentalist. So he employs the salami tactic, cutting up freedom one slice at a time. First came the public places. After all, non-smokers have to go there so it's not really fair to expose them to the hazards of passive smoking. Liberals could agree to that - completely forgetting that even here a compromise could and should have been found: smokers are taxpayers and help finance public services and buildings just as much as non-smokers, even more so in countries with excise taxes.
The second step for the fundamentalist is to redefine the public realm. They have decided that since restaurants and bars are open to the public, they are by definition public places. They ignore - deliberately - that restaurants and bars are private businesses. Going to a restaurant is not a necessity, it's a luxury. Non-smokers are not forced to enter restaurants that allow smoking; they can either go to non-smoking places or stay home. Non-smokers are not being discriminated against if they can't find a non-smoking restaurant to their liking. And if a restaurant does not allow smoking, it's not discriminating against smokers, either. It's the choice of the operator to decide whether or not he caters to smokers, non-smokers, or both. Smokers and non-smokers alike can vote with their rubles/euros/dollars/tugrik for whichever business they prefer. That's the essence of a free market economy.
But the fundamentalist doesn't like the free market economy. He prefers complete control over all aspects of life, both private and public. Nothing should escape the fundamentalist's benevolent control - everybody must bow to the necessity of the greater good, such as ‘public health', ‘public morality', ‘fairness', etc. Not that a liberal is opposed to any of these things, but unlike the fundamentalist the liberal believes in the right of a free person to make wrong choices. Liberals do not advocate license - they advocate liberty tempered by respect. The fundamentalist believes in neither liberty nor respect. He simply believes in the elimination of evil.
I agree that the world would be better off if nobody smoked, including myself. But I believe that the world would be worse off if smoking were banned. A fundamentalist does not understand this difference. Which is why there is no point arguing with him about this, but there is a point for those who believe in free enterprise and human liberty to stand up for their beliefs for a change. Defending the rights of restaurant owners to decide how they run their businesses is as good a start as any.
By Dietwald Claus

Happy Thanksgiving

on Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Mayflower Compact

"In the name of God, Amen. We, whose names are underwritten, the Loyal Subjects of our dread Sovereign Lord, King James, by the Grace of God, of England, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, e&. Having undertaken for the Glory of God, and Advancement of the Christian Faith, and the Honour of our King and Country, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia; do by these presents, solemnly and mutually in the Presence of God and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation, and Furtherance of the Ends aforesaid; And by Virtue hereof to enact, constitute, and frame, such just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet and convenient for the General good of the Colony; unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In Witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names at Cape Cod the eleventh of November, in the Reign of our Sovereign Lord, King James of England, France and Ireland, the eighteenth, and of Scotland the fifty-fourth. Anno Domini, 1620."

Mr. John Carver, Mr. William Bradford, Mr Edward Winslow, Mr. William Brewster.
Isaac Allerton, Myles Standish, John Alden, John Turner, Francis Eaton,
James Chilton, John Craxton, John Billington, Joses Fletcher, John Goodman,
Mr. Samuel Fuller, Mr. Christopher Martin, Mr. William Mullins, Mr. William White,
Mr. Richard Warren, John Howland, Mr. Steven Hopkins, Digery Priest,
Thomas Williams, Gilbert Winslow, Edmund Margesson, Peter Brown,
Richard Britteridge, George Soule, Edward Tilly, John Tilly, Francis Cooke,
Thomas Rogers, Thomas Tinker, John Ridgdale, Edward Fuller, Richard Clark,
Richard Gardiner, Mr. John Allerton, Thomas English, Edward Doten,
Edward Liester.

Time For Dodd to `move on'

on Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Despite his pathetic 3% showing, his good friend Fidel salutes Dodd!

Fortunately for America
No one else does.

Southington Republicans

on Saturday, November 3, 2007
This year we should be able to retake many of the seats lost two years ago.

Thanks to the hard work and heavy lifting of many members of Team Republican, most notably our Chairman, Ed Pocock, Jr and our Vice Chair, Steve Pestillo. (A truly tireless worker by all accounts.)

This is not to say our candidates haven’t been running hard enough; indeed most of us have seen their efforts at various functions all over Southington.

I’ve personally witnessed the man I hope to see become the next Town Council Chairman from only a few houses away, and can assure anyone that Mike Riccio has left no stone unturned and has worked tirelessly for the party as a whole. Living only a few doors from Mike I’ve had the opportunity to get to know him pretty well. Mike is a good man, a doting father and worthy of the respect of any upright decent person anywhere.

Nick’s 40 years of public service should serve us and the town well.
Cheryl has a proven track record as does Southington’s own superhero, E-3, While even some Democrats have taken to complimenting our own John Carmody for his even handed and non-partisan approach to land use issues.

Our Council slate is among the strongest we’ve fielded in the 26+ years I’ve been a member of the SRTC. While not my intent to fail to mention every candidate, nor to offend any of our hard working people in doing so, I’m compelled to mention the caliber and drop-dead loyalty I’ve seen in the past from our candidate Dennis Palmieri; it’s no small wonder that former Southington Police Office Tony Palmieri’s son is the same sort of pleasant, friendly, and competent soul most of us are already accustomed to in his dad.

Now the real reason for this post: In years past we’ve failed to control of the Council by as few as 4 votes (1983) and again by a mere 6 votes a few years later.

It’s imperative that none of us fail to show up Tuesday at our polling places.
Better yet, take the day off, cut out early, do something to help our people at the polls; believe it or not, Election Day polling place activity can swing results by as much as 7%

Dennis Kucinich for president!

on Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Thanks to the Everyday Republican where I literally stole this whole thing from - it was too good not to!

Dodd can't get any respect

on Sunday, October 21, 2007

Chris Dodd, the Rodney Dangerfield of the Democratic Party

Chris Dodd; never one to harbor a grudge, especially against terrorists, is seeking to charge the nations phone companies with heavens only knows what as a penalty for helping us fight the war on terrorism.

Imagine - American companies seeking to keep the nation safe. The very nerve of them says Dodd who is trying to place a hold on the FISA legislation that includes amnesty for telecommunications companies.

So who's stopping him?
Fellow Democrat Harry Reid who isn't about the let Dodd make the Dems look like they're as soft on terrorism as they really are.

Poor Chris can't get any respect.

Read all about it at this leftist site if you're inclined:

The take on the same subject from the American Communist Party is (surprise!) quite parallel with that of Senator Dodds. (If you're stopping by at this blog you probably already knew that.)

Thanks and a tip of hat to the site:Connecticut Local Politics

What's with Litchfield?

on Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Litchfield Historic Commission uneasy about proposed synagogue.
This old Yankee borough may soon get its first synagogue, but only after facing the gauntlet of historical correctness. Trouble already is brewing.

Commission Chairman Wendy Kuhne

"...the Star of David may not comply with the District..."

Waterbury Republican-American article here.

The danger of long term alcohol abuse

on Saturday, September 29, 2007
Looks like Congresscritter Chris Murphy's (CT-5) pal is in trouble:

A federal judge has ordered Rep. Jack Murtha (D-Pa.) to testify in a defamation case related to the deaths of Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha in 2005, according to the Associated Press.

Murtha, a former Marine. accused Marines involved in the "cold-blooded murder and war crimes'' during the Haditha incident. Fran Wuterich, a Marine sergeant involved in the icident, has sued Murtha for defamation over his comments.

According to AP, U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer wants Murtha to explain why he made this statement and any documents he has related to the incident.

From the AP: 'You're writing a very wide road for members of Congress to go to their home districts and say anything they choose about private persons and be able to do so without any liability. Are you sure you want to do that?'' Collyer said, adding later, ''How far can a congressman go and still be protected?"

Note: Image from

Just Say "NO" to Dave Zoni

on Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lest we forget the calibre of Zoni's last campaign; and thus his own lack thereof.

From The Southington Observer

Zoni’s shameful tactics

Zoni, a Democrat, approved a piece of campaign literature that is so vile and repugnant, it sets a new low mark for negative campaigning.

Democratic alderman and current Southington resident Don Rinaldi, who in 2001 led the fight for impeachment proceedings against Giordano, has said the mailer “crossed the line” and that Caligiuri was clearly working for an agreement with the best interests of the city in mind.

Zoni should be ashamed and his entire campaign staff should be embarrassed for stooping to such a low. At a minimum, an apology is in order here, but we seriously doubt one will be forthcoming.

Note: No apology has ever come; the man apparently has no honor what-so-ever.

.... Zoni has made the decision that he is intent on winning at any
cost, even if twisting the facts...

The Observer concluded
.... a moral compass that can help him distinguish the differences between right and wrong.

Sadly Dave Zoni has come up woefully short in that department.

Coat Drive / Hero's to Hometown Dinner

on Thursday, September 13, 2007

We were able to collect over 1000 gently used (in some cases brand new!) coats!

Further - the fund raiser dinner at the Elks Lodge was a huge success serving around 300 civic minded patriotic people; and Dave Hubbs of Friendship Lodge #33 A.F.& A.M. (Masons) was able to present the drive with an additional $1500

Never before in Southington history have so many civic & fraternal groups worked together - it's been an inspiration.

Thanks again!

(Fear not regular readers - I'll post something controversial in the near future.)

Heros to Hometown

on Monday, September 10, 2007

Heros to Hometown
American Legion Family Post #72
B.P.O.Elks #1669 / Southington

Pasta Dinner & Fundraiser
Elks Lodge 114 Main Street Southington, CT

Wednesday September 12. 2007 5:00 - 7:00pm

This program welcomes home returning US Military who have been injured and is designed to give them whatever help & support they might need.

Coat Drive!

on Sunday, August 26, 2007
Do you recall that coat sitting in your closet that you bought last year….but you took off 5 pounds and now it doesn’t quite fit correctly. (Notice I didn’t say put ON 5 pounds…Come’ on, let’s be upbeat here)


Your children or grandchildren who are just growing like weeds and they outgrew that beautiful coat you bought them last year…


Remember the coat that your Aunt Sally gave you…It’s a great coat…but it’s blue and blue doesn’t go with your eyes and you never wore it…


September 8th marks the end of Phase 2 of 3 of a “Year of Giving “ . Phase 2 will take all those coats we just discussed and donate them to “Stand Down” at the Veterans Home and Hospital later in September. Many of you may be veterans and if you are not veterans then perhaps your brother or father or sister or mother were. Stand Down allows many of the veterans AND THEIR FAMILIES who are currently in desperate need to come to the Veterans home and get services for free. It’s an opportunity to show we care and give them a much needed boost. One of these services is the donation of new and nearly new clothes to get them through the winter.

Many don’t realize it but a very high percentage of the needy in the state are Veterans

We have committed to supplying the coats for that event . This is a joint event with the Masons, American Legion , American Legion Aux., the Knights of Columbus, the Chamber of Commerce.

If you are a member of those organizations…we need your help…

If you are not a member of those organizations then ……..we still need your help.

Saturday, September 8th from 10 am to 2pm at the Masonic Lodge , 76 Main St. ,Southington, we will be collecting those coats from your closets at a “drop off” here at the lodge

Please check your closets for those coats in new or nearly new condition. I know, you’ve been meaning to clean out your closets anyway

Thank you for all that you do …..and will do in the future.

Thank you…looking forward to seeing you,

God Bless,
David Hubbs
Friendship 33 Masonic Lodge

PS While we are talking about Vets….September 12th, 5-7 pm , the American Legion Aux will be running a spaghetti Dinner at the Elks here in Southington to benefit “Hometown Heroes
Be there!

Kennedy Reunited with Kopechne

on Saturday, August 25, 2007
Now Answers to Creator

Iowa Straw Poll Results

on Sunday, August 12, 2007
Results of Saturday's Iowa Republican Party Straw Poll.

Mitt Romney 4,516 31.5
Spent a fortune, has one he earned himself, a formidable candidate.

Mike Huckabee 2,587 18.1
Stronger than expected - a good man, the nation could do a lot worse and often has.

Sam Brownback 2,192 15.3
Here leaving prison early due to good behavior

Tom Tancredo 1,961 13.7
Picture speaks for itself

Ron Paul 1,305 9.1
The conservative internet darling, going no where fast thank heavens. Truely a nut case - (thinks we brought 9/11 on ourselves)

Tommy Thompson 1,039 7.3
Great guy - getting no traction

Fred Thompson 203 1.4
Not an announced candidate as of yet, could totally alter the political landscape

Rudy Giuliani 183 1.3
Needs to spend a weekend with NRA supporters

Duncan Hunter 174 1.2
Describing his gas pains

John McCain 101 1.0
Still angry after all these years

John Cox 41 less than 1

Update on Staff Sargent Mike Salter

on Thursday, July 19, 2007

Once in a while enough people see something that is just so stupid, so wrong, that it drives them to action.

Those are the cases when good triumphs over evil.

Thanks (and a tip of the hat!) to all of you who took an interest, especially those of you that took some action regardless of whether it was a phone call, an email, whatever.

Special thanks to Fox News.

Some of the email ACR received this morning is reproduced below:

FOXNews Channel
"Weekend Live"
Washington, DC bureau

From: Michael Parker (District Attorney)
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2007 1:14 AM
To: (Fox News, Mike Salter and members of the court staff)
Subject: RE: Anson County ticket

I spoke to Mr. Salter and (the) Judge this evening.
(The) Judge has agreed to strike Mr. Salter's FTA and the $50 fee and
re-calendar his case.

I have forwarded this e-mail to her, however, would you please call
(court staffer) in the Richmond Co. Judge's office and make sure that
she has this information to remind (the) Judge to strike the FTA.

ACR salutes both Fox News and
District Attorney Mike Parker;
of course a hearty welcome home!
and special thanks to Mike Salter
for his service for our nation.

Staff Sargent Mike Salter Needs Our Help

on Thursday, July 12, 2007
Mike Salter is a member of the Reserves and was activated for duty in Afghanistan last year.

On his way to report for duty at Fort Bragg in North Carolina he and his wife were stopped for speeding and Mike was ticketed.

Never mind that he was shipping out, the North Carolina Trooper made sure to give Staff Sargent Salter a tough time and handed him a "Y'all must appear in court" ticket as opposed to a mail-in.

While overseas Staff Sargent Salter performed admirably to say the least and was awarded the Bronze Star for that performance. (The entire citation is posted below)

What could motivate a southern cop to give a Connecticut Reservist such a tough time that upon his return to the states as a bona fide American Hero he faced a Failure to Appear charge?

Why hasn't any high ranking Connecticut official taken care of this already you might ask? ACR would love to know that as well.

Here's Mike with his family upon his return to Connecticut where he was also met by none other than our own Governor Rell.

Mike is still facing the Failure to Appear charge and no one in North Carolina seems inclined to convert the ticket so as to avoid forcing him to retain a local southern boy attorney at some expense that he should not in ACR's view be forced to pay. (The ticket is another issue and Mike would love to pay it and go on with his life with his lovely wife & daughter.)

It's apparent that some of the folks in North Carolina have forgotten just who won the Civil War.

This needs serious press coverage; please help us to that end by forwarding a link, or calling people who you might know in the media.

You can always contact ACR via the links on this page.

Bronze Star Medal


For exceptionally meritorious service as Rifle Squad Leader of the Force Protection Platoon, Qalat Provincial Reconstruction Team. International Security Assistance Force in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM VII from 17 April 2006 to 15 April 2007.
Staff Sergeant Salter’s outstanding leadership provided the depth and redundancy that is required to maintain an effective fighting force in a combat theater. Throughout Operation ENDURING FREEDOM VII, Sergeant Salter has demonstrated the technical and tactical competency to lead troops in combat, personally leading his squad on 201 successful missions. Through his leadership and ability to instill a mission first attitude, his rifle squad has developed into a highly effective fighting force that can be counted on to work independently or with other squads to confront the most dangerous situations. His squad has fought with distinction in the face of anti-coalition militants on multiple occasions, always succeeding in repelling the attack and ensuring mission success.
Sergeant Salter led the security detail for joint Army, Navy and Air Force explosive ordinance disposal teams, providing site security and safely delivering the EOD team to remote locations 27 times deep inside enemy dominated territory. Sergeant Salter’s successful leadership resulted in five coalition convoys being recovered from ambush sites and returning injured soldiers and seven inoperable vehicles to FOB Lagman.
On the 10 December 2006, Sergeant Salter was part of a company sized operation to recover a platoon of Combat Engineers who had been ambushed on the road from Mizan District. Sergeant Salter successfully coordinated with adjacent U.S. elements and a Romanian mortar platoon to reach the site of the ambush and secure it. During the initial recovery operation anti-coalition elements attacked the convoy. Sergeant Salter coordinated with Romanian forces to de-conflict fires and successfully fought off the attack. Post attack, Sergeant Salter then became an integral part in setting up an overnight perimeter to protect against another attack when required Afghan National Army elements failed to arrive making recovery impossible that day. Once the ANA arrived the following day, Sergeant Salter made vital inputs organizing the ground assault convoy back to FOB Lagman. Additional vehicle breakdowns on the return journey and adverse weather lengthened the two hour trip to over six hours. Sergeant Salter’s mental and physical endurance were vital to mission success.
Sergeant Salter’s professionalism and commitment to team work has helped forge a PRT that is renown for its successful initiatives in working with both non-governmental organizations and the Afghan and coalition civilian leadership to integrate a more unified approach to the problems facing Afghanistan today. Sergeant Salter supported such varied interests as the Unitcd Nations Operations in Qalat, the United Nations Assistance Mission - Afghanistan, the World Food Program, the U.S. Department of State, NATO and the government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. Sergeant Salter often found himself coordinating directly with these interests, setting up shuras in remote villages to enhance their ability to connect with the Afghans that needed their assistance. In doing so, Sergeant Salter often found himself having to seamlessly integrate into a fluid environment of interagency and multinational operations.
Sergeant Salter provided critical logistics support including transportation and security for 226 visitors and 42 distinguished visitors including the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, President of Romania, UN Security Council and the North Atlantic Council. This exceptional support assured the success of every mission and enabled the successful delivery of vital political and resource requirement messages by the Governor, Regional Commander and PRT Commander to senior policy making officials from 16 countries. This required both skill and diplomacy as his team coordinated with security elements from five different countries on a routine basis; something he accomplished with skill and aplomb. Each and every visit has resulted in zero casualties or even a security incident; with some convoys as large as 17 vehicles and 85 personnel.
In addition, his training and resulting squad expertise assured the provincial reconstruction team maintained the freedom of movement to manage 60 projects, valued at over 19 million dollars, across the 17,000 km2 of Zabul Province and demonstrate to the people the Afghan government’s concern and desire to provide resources and services to all Zabul communities. This freedom of movement assured a 530% monthly increase in the availability and treatment of Afghans at the Zabul Provincial Hospital: the construction of nine government buildings dedicated to providing additional Afghan services; and the implementation of Afghan National Auxiliary Police training and the graduation of 405 additional officers providing local security support to the community.
His performance of duty in a combat zone reflects great credit upon himself, C Co 1st Bn 102nd Infantry, the Qalat Provincial Reconstruction Team, Task Force Taurus, Combined/Joint Task Force-76 and the United States Army.

Tokyo Rose

on Wednesday, July 11, 2007
I recieved this via email today.

One of those that everyone forwards around but I had never seen it before.

I does make a point.

The other night we watched a movie called, "Flags of our Fathers." During the movie, I pointed out the radio broadcast of " Tokyo Rose."

She had the best music on her station. During World War II; the Japanese developed a way to demoralize the American forces. Psychological warfare experts developed a message they felt would work.

They gave the script to their famous broadcaster " Tokyo Rose" and every day she would broadcast this same message packaged in different ways. The Japanese hoped it would have a negative impact on American GI's morale.

What was that demoralizing message? It had three main points:

1. Your President is lying to you.

2. This war is illegal.

3. You cannot win the war.

Does this sound familiar today?

It is because we are being bombarded by Tokyo Hillary, Tokyo Harry, Tokyo Teddy, Tokyo Nancy, Tokyo Murtha, etc.,and they have picked up the same message and are broadcasting it on Tokyo CNN, Tokyo ABC, Tokyo CBS, Tokyo NBC, etc., to our troops.
The only difference is that they claim to support our troops before they demoralize them. Come to think of it, Tokyo Rose told the troops she was on their side, too.

Iraq Fact Check: Responding To Key Myths

on Tuesday, July 10, 2007
1. MYTH: The war "is lost."

· FACT: Our commanders and ambassador do not believe that. Asked whether the U.S. could win in Iraq and leave behind a stable government, General David Petraeus said "If I didn't believe that I wouldn't be here… I think that there is good prospect for progress in the months ahead." Ambassador Ryan Crocker says "the level of violence is down in the two areas where the 'surge' is focused, Anbar and Baghdad ."

· FACT: The surge of operations is just beginning. The additional brigades Gen. Petraeus requested have only been in place since mid-June, and the military only began major offensive operations such as Operation Phantom Thunder once that happened.

· FACT: We have seen promising indicators since the President announced the new strategy in January. While al Qaeda and other extremists have conducted a counter-surge resulting in numerous horrific mass-casualty terrorist attacks, and while it is too early to declare the surge a success or failure, we have seen:

o A substantial drop in sectarian murders in Baghdad since January

o Arms caches found at more than three times the rate of a year ago

o Tribal sheiks in Anbar and other provinces cooperating with Iraqi and American forces against al Qaeda

o Attacks in Anbar at a two-year low

o Total car bombings and suicide attacks down in May and June

o The building of "joint security stations," where many Iraqis are coming with information on where terrorists are hiding

o Signs of normalcy in Baghdad like professional soccer leagues, amusement parks, and vibrant markets.

o Recruiting for Iraqi police forces drawing thousands of candidates

o Young Sunnis signing up for the army and police

o More Shia rejecting militias

2. MYTH: U.S. troops in Iraq are not fighting al Qaeda terrorists, just policing a Shiite vs. Sunni "civil war."

· FACT: Gen. Petraeus says "al Qaeda's terror war is focused on Iraq ," where "they are carrying out the bulk of the sensational attacks, the suicide car bomb attacks, suicide vest attacks." Iraqi President Jalal Talabani says "the main enemy of Iraqi people is al Qaeda and terrorists cooperating with them."

· FACT: While there is certainly dangerous sectarian violence in Iraq , al Qaeda causes a vast majority of the spectacular suicide bombings that show up on U.S. TV screens and, importantly, is trying to stoke sectarian violence and chaos by using human beings, even young children, as bombers.

· FACT: Al Qaeda terrorists are targeting Iraqi Sunnis as well as Shiites and Kurds. For example, the 41 tortured Iraqis found May 27 in an al Qaeda hideout north of Baghdad were all Sunni.

· FACT: Al Qaeda leaders like bin Laden and Zawahiri (who last week said "victory" is near) want to "expel the Americans from Iraq" and establish a radical Islamic empire to launch a "jihad wave to the secular countries neighboring Iraq ." These killers are clearly not going to participate in the political process or work with those who do not share their murderous ideology if America gives them what they want by leaving.

3. MYTH: The U.S. is playing "whack-a-mole" in Iraq .

· FACT: U.S. and Iraqi forces are conducting offensive operations against terrorists while simultaneously providing security in neighborhoods with joint security stations and patrols.

· FACT: General Petraeus's counterinsurgency strategy is a population-centric one that is different from what has been done before. The concept is for U.S. troops to work with Iraqi forces and secure safe havens, then maintain that security by staying in neighborhoods and building trust with the locals.

· FACT: The primary reason for the "surge" in troops was to give U.S. and Iraqi forces the ability and flexibility to conduct such offensive operations in and outside of Baghdad without having to shift troops out of so many areas where they were needed for security. This is why commanders held off on many of them until the brigades were in place – to avoid the problems of past offensives.

4. MYTH: The U.S. has an indefinite commitment in Iraq and should shift to training Iraqi troops.

· FACT: The current strategy in Iraq is a temporary surge in military, civilian, and diplomatic resources driven by the views of our commanders on the ground. The objective is to establish the conditions for a reduction in U.S. forces without risking catastrophe and wider regional conflict. As the President said July 4: "We all long for the day when there are far fewer American servicemen and women in Iraq …Yet, withdrawing our troops prematurely based on politics, not on the advice and recommendation of our military commanders, would not be in our national interest."

· FACT: The U.S. military is heavily invested in training Iraq's security forces and fighting al Qaeda right now — "shifting" to such pursuits would not be a change in course. Since the President announced the new strategy in January, the U.S. has increased the embedding of American advisers in Iraqi Army units, partnered coalition brigades with every Iraqi Army division, and accelerated the training of Iraqi forces.

5. MYTH: Setting a timeline and pulling troops out of Iraq regardless of conditions on the ground would be a responsible end to the conflict and/or would put needed pressure on Iraq's government.

· FACT: The collective judgment of our intelligence community is that this would increase, not decrease, the violence and hinder national reconciliation. In fact, the National Intelligence Estimate [NIE] some cite as evidence of dire conditions in Iraq said that "Coalition capabilities, including force levels, resources, and operations, remain an essential stabilizing element in Iraq," and rapid withdrawal "almost certainly would lead to a significant increase in the scale and scope of sectarian conflict in Iraq, intensify Sunni resistance to the Iraqi Government, and have adverse consequences for national reconciliation." [emphasis added]

· FACT: Leaving Iraq to al Qaeda terrorists would endanger both Iraqis and Americans, embolden Iran , and solve no problems at all. The NIE concluded that "massive civilian casualties and forced population displacement would be probable" were we to rapidly leave, and "AQI [al Qaeda in Iraq ] would attempt to use parts of the country—particularly al-Anbar province—to plan increased attacks in and outside of Iraq ."

· FACT: The argument that the U.S. could leave behind a "residual force" in Iraq's Kurdish region or Kuwait before Iraqi Security Forces are ready to take over and still fight al Qaeda makes no sense, since the very crux of al Qaeda's strategy is to cause a civil war by bombing markets, mosques, and bridges. The very reason Gen. Petraeus asked for the troops he now has was so U.S. forces could raid al Qaeda strongholds without having to leave areas where they were providing security.

6. MYTH: Gen. Petraeus does not believe the U.S. military can make a difference in Iraq .

· FACT: Democrats sometimes quote Gen. Petraeus when arguing that the U.S. should give up in Iraq , but they completely misrepresent the General's views. While Gen. Petraeus has indeed said the ultimate solution to Iraq's problems is a political one, he has consistently argued that such a solution can only come with the improvements in security he is trying to achieve.

· FACT: Gen. Petraeus told the Senate that securing Iraq is "necessary" since the government will find it difficult to "come to grips with the toughest issues it must resolve while survival is the primary concern." He also said he needed all the additional troops he requested to get the job done.

7. MYTH: U.S. troops are "arming" Sunni insurgents in Iraq .

· FACT: Commanders are taking advantage of an important opportunity to reach out to locals who want to fight against al Qaeda and are recruiting them into the government of Iraq . Some tribal elements are being recruited as police support units with the blessing of the Maliki government. US forces are not arming Sunni insurgents and have only provided non-lethal assistance with the agreement of the government of Iraq .

· FACT: As we come to agreement with these individuals who are fed up with al Qaeda terrorists and willing to fight against them and/or show U.S. forces where they hide, we gather biometric data on them, identify and vet them, have them pledge allegiance to the government of Iraq and go through a training program, and then quickly bring them along as part of the Iraqi military or Interior police forces.

· FACT: This is in no way about working with al Qaeda members or foreign fighters. It is about taking advantage of an opportunity to join with Iraqis against irreconcilable enemies.

8. MYTH: Timelines and dates for withdrawal are consistent with the views of outsiders like the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group.

· FACT: The Iraq Study Group's report specifically said on page 46 that the group opposed "timetables or deadlines for withdrawal."

· FACT: On page 50, the group said they could support a "surge of American combat forces to stabilize Baghdad , or to speed up the training and equipping mission, if the U.S. commander in Iraq determines that such steps would be effective."

· FACT: Iraq Study Group Co-Chairman James Baker says Gen. Petraeus and the new plan for securing Iraq "ought to be given a chance" and that "setting a deadline for withdrawal regardless of conditions in Iraq makes even less sense today because there is evidence that the temporary surge is reducing the level of violence in Baghdad."

9. MYTH: Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki is an agent of Iran and/or Muqtada al Sadr.

· FACT: Nouri al Maliki is the democratically elected Prime Minister of all Iraqis.

· FACT: There is no evidence that Maliki or his wing of the Da'wa Party is an agent or puppet of Iran . Maliki is an Iraqi nationalist who has few ties to Iranians. He has been critical of Iranian meddling both publicly and behind the scenes.

· FACT: In January, Maliki pledged to hunt down all militia groups and pointed out that he had only met with Muqtada al Sadr twice in the past four years. Moreover, Sadr withdrew his Cabinet ministers in part because he was protesting Maliki's alliance with the Coalition.

10. MYTH: U.S. troops are sent to Iraq without proper training, equipment, or rest.

· FACT: U.S. troops are the best trained and equipped military forces in the world. While the War on Terror is no doubt stretching the military and its resources, no troops are ever sent to Iraq without adequate training. As the Army's director of force management Maj. Gen. Richard Formica said when the surge brigades were being deployed, "Our deploying units will be manned, trained and equipped, and they will be ready for their specified missions."

· FACT: The Department of Defense does not allow any units to deploy to Iraq unless they are certified as trained and equipped for the mission by their chain-of-command. Some of the units now in Iraq were recently extended to 15 months to allow a minimum of 12 months before deployments.

11. MYTH: Iraqis are going on a two-month holiday and are not defending their own country.

· FACT: Iraq's Parliament decided not to take a two-month recess and instead will continue working on legislation critical for Iraq's future.

· FACT: Iraqis are enduring two to three times the casualties U.S. forces are.

· FACT: Our commanders report that Iraqi Security Forces are growing in number, becoming more capable, and assuming more responsibility. Iraqis are often leading raids and stopping suicide bombers at checkpoints. As Gen. Petraeus puts it: "The Iraqi army has, in general, done quite well in the face of some really serious challenges. In certain areas it really is very heartening to see what it has done."

12. MYTH: Iraq's Parliament passed a resolution calling for U.S. forces to leave.

· FACT: The opposite is true. The U.S. is in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government, and Council of Representatives (COR) recently voted for Americans to continue their work in Iraq .

· FACT: There was never a vote on the widely reported Sadrist "petition" calling for withdrawal. That petition was clearly not a reflection of the views of Parliament, as some who supposedly signed it later said they were deceived about what it meant and actually want the U.S. to stay in Iraq until Iraq's security forces are better trained.

13. MYTH: The U.S. is in Iraq only because of Congress's 2002 resolution authorizing the invasion to topple Saddam Hussein's regime.

· FACT: The U.S. is currently in Iraq at the invitation of a sovereign government and the unanimous approval of the United Nations Security Council.

· FACT: UN Security Council Resolution 1723 extended the mandate of multi-national forces until December 2007. That resolution came at the request of Prime Minister Maliki.

· FACT: The 2002 Congressional war authorization referred to the use of force in enforcing U.N. Security Council resolutions. It clearly envisioned subsequent U.N. Security Council resolutions, and Senators understood that a President has the authority to enforce such resolutions.

Look at the economy, stupid!

on Sunday, July 8, 2007
Everyone surely recalls a presidential contender who's mantra was;
"It's the economy, stupid!"

Remember that?

Good - get a load of this, because like him or not - this guy delivers:

Job Creation Continues – More Than 8.2 Million Jobs Created Since August 2003

June 2007 Marks 46th Consecutive Month Of Job Growth

Today, The Bureau Of Labor Statistics Released New Jobs Figures – 132,000 Jobs Created In June. Since August 2003, more than 8.2 million jobs have been created, with more than 2 million jobs created over the twelve months ending in June. Our economy has now added jobs for 46 straight months, and the unemployment rate remains low at 4.5 percent.

Americans Are Working And Taking Home More Pay

Real After-Tax Per Capita Personal Income Has Risen By 9.9 Percent – Nearly $3,000 Per Person – Since President Bush Took Office.

Real Wages Rose 1.1 Percent Over The 12 Months Ending In May. This is faster than the average rate during the 1990s, and it means an extra $729 in the past year for the typical family with two wage earners.

The Economy Has Now Experienced Over Five Years Of Uninterrupted Growth, Averaging 2.9 Percent A Year Since 2001. Real GDP grew a strong 3.1 percent in 2006.

Since The First Quarter Of 2001, Productivity Growth Has Averaged 2.8 Percent. This is well above average productivity growth in the 1990s, 1980s, and 1970s.

Purchasing Managers Reported Manufacturing Expansion For The Fifth Consecutive Month In June. The Institute for Supply Management manufacturing index rose to 56 in June.

The President's Agenda Will Help Keep America 's Economy Strong, Flexible, And Dynamic

President Bush's FY 2008 Budget Lays Out A Detailed Plan To Balance The Budget By 2012 While Keeping Taxes Low. Tax and spend is no way to balance the budget. The President's Budget keeps annual spending under control and addresses our long-term budgetary challenge – the unsustainable growth in entitlement programs like Medicare and Social Security.

Strong Economic Growth Has Helped Produce Record Levels Of Tax Revenue, Which Is Helping Reduce The Federal Deficit And Meet Our Goal Of A Balanced Budget. Record tax revenues helped us reach the President's goal of cutting the deficit in half three years ahead of schedule. Receipts have increased nearly 35 percent since the tax relief was fully implemented in 2003, and the deficit has declined by $165 billion in the last two years.

The President Will Veto Appropriations Bills That Threaten Deficit Reduction With Overspending. The Administration supports responsible spending to achieve the goal of a balanced budget by 2012.

President Bush Has Called On Congress To Pass Legislation To Achieve His "Twenty In Ten" Goal To Reduce U.S. Gasoline Consumption By 20 Percent Over 10 Years. President Bush commends Congress for considering legislation to help bring America closer to meeting his "Twenty In Ten" goal, and challenges them to take a bolder approach to strengthen America's energy security. Achieving this goal will benefit the economy, national security, and the environment.

President Bush Has Called On Congress To Help Keep America Competitive In The 21st Century By Reauthorizing And Strengthening The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act This Year. NCLB is working – during the most recent five-year period on record, the National Assessment of Educational Progress shows nine-year-olds made more progress in reading than they did in the previous 28 years combined. Strengthening NCLB will help ensure that all children graduate high school ready for college and the global economy, will better help struggling schools, and will empower parents with more choices.

Cleone Campbell Post Hageman

on Sunday, June 17, 2007
Much of my political perspective is due to this woman.

April 29, 1921 - June 17, 2007

Cleone Campbell Post Hageman passed peacefully, Sunday June 17, 2007 at the age of 86 in Southington, CT.
Born April 29, 1921 in Albany, NY Cleone was the eldest daughter of Cleone (Rich) and C. W. Post. She was predeceased by both her brothers Benjamin F. and Richard Post and sister Nancy M. Lange.

Cleone graduated from Albany Academy for Girls and continued her studies at Alfred University in New York State. At Alfred, Cleone studied Ceramic Art. It was there where she met and married L. Coulson Hageman, in 1942. The couple was happily married for 47 years until Coulson passed in 1989.
During those 47 years Cleone and Coulson lived in the Berkshires, Cape Cod, Ohio, Pennsylvania and for many decades in Colorado.

Cleone was a trained artist who had a love for creating, and invested her talents into landscape design and custom home projects. In the Denver metro market, she enjoyed a career as well in retail sportswear where she excelled. Cleone was a member of both the DAR and the Society of Mayflower Descendants.

In 2004 Cleone relocated to Southington, CT to share more time with her family.
Cleone is survived by her children: Douglas C. Hageman (Gail) of Southington CT and namesake, Cleone C. H. Johns of Las Vegas NV, and was predeceased by daughter Nancy S. Flibotte. (Donald R.) She is also survived by grandchildren Christine Bullard (Jay), Susanna Petrovich (Timothy), Mark Johns, Coulson Hageman and two great-grandchildren, Katrina, Luke Petrovich, and daughter-in-law Carol Hageman, as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Cleone will be missed by all who had the pleasure to know and love her.

A memorial service is scheduled in Berlin, CT at Bethany Covenant Church at 11:00 o‘clock on Saturday, June 30. The family will receive friends at 10:00 at the church.

Interment will be in Hyannis Mass at a private ceremony. In lieu of flowers, friends may donate in her memory to the Bethany Covenant Church Scholarship Fund or Friendship #33 AF & AM (Freemasons) in Southington, CT

The family wishes to extend their deepest and heartfelt thanks to the caregivers at Farmington Care Nursing Home for the splendid care and attention provided to Cleone for the past year.

Healy Shows Backbone

on Wednesday, June 13, 2007
In a recent Hartford Business Journal article, Dean Pagani writes that, “Chris Healy may be on the verge of doing something no one else has done in almost twenty years: Make the job of state party chairman relevant”. The revelation comes as a great surprise to some who doubted Healy when he ascended to the post in January, but as each day passes it becomes increasingly undeniable. Other Chairmen have served ably – Chris Healy has been superb.

Long known as a bomb-throwing backbencher in the Republican State Central Committee, Healy’s path to leadership has been a long arc marked by challenges to the status quo and ardent loyalty to fellow party members, punctuated by the perpetual whispers about his alcohol consumption and his penchant for a fight. Chris quarterbacked the Dole Campaign in Connecticut in ’96 even though the conclusion seemed forgone. He was the lead on the McCain Campaign in 2000 and bucked the national trend by delivering the state to McCain despite George W. Bush’s familial roots in Connecticut . And he helped Sebastian Giuliano become a Republican Mayor in Middletown – a phrase that few had ever uttered before 2005.

2006 was a year in which all of the pundits lined up and said that Republicans in Congress were going to be buried beneath a Democratic “wave” of backlash against corruption, Iraq , and out-of-control spending. Despite this sentiment, Healy took on the race of Congressman Rob Simmons, a perennial Democrat target in a fickle district comprised almost entirely of “backwater” Connecticut . With an Irish diligence, Chris guided the Simmons campaign to even on Election Day – in a year in which almost no targeted Republican kept their seat, Simmons lost an election in which 242,000 ballots were cast by 83 votes. Some people will pass harsh judgment and call it a failure. I call it respectable.

With the burn of the narrow loss still painful, it became clear that the Party was going to need a new leader as George Gallo moved on to other things. The Governor lobbied hard to keep Gallo in place – and then as Healy showed some interest in the job, she lobbied to keep him out of it. As the overwhelming will of the committee became apparent, Rell joined him because she couldn’t beat him.

And now Chris Healy has gotten himself in trouble – the recovering alcoholic’s worst nightmare – a relapse and arrest for driving under the influence. To his credit, he didn’t protest, he didn’t attempt to wear his position as a shield; he didn’t shirk from the responsibility that he must bear – for himself. He stood before the members of the State Central Committee and in faith and honesty laid out the situation for people, and answered any questioner’s query. He has nothing to hide. In the world of politics, in which so much time and energy is wasted on the ignoble maintenance of fool’s pride, Healy came clean. He probably could have covered it up – Lord knows there are only two weeks until the Chairman’s election – and he could have gotten away with it. But he chose not to do so. The scrutiny of Chris should be severe – and all should reiterate that driving under the influence of alcohol is a danger to everyone in society. But we need also remember that preaching accountability and responsibility means that you have to be responsible and accountable. The Chairman of the Connecticut Republicans has done that. And Republicans across Connecticut should stick with him because of it.

Governor Rell Signs Energy Bill

on Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Governor Rell Signs Energy Bill But Strikes

Two Appropriations Sections Using Line-Item Veto

Governor Says Eliminated Sections Violate Constitutional Spending Cap

Governor M. Jodi Rell today announced she is signing into law House Bill 7432, An Act Concerning Electricity and Energy Efficiency, but will exercise her line-item veto to remove two sections making appropriations that are not permitted by law.

Specifically, Governor Rell said she was using the line-item veto – granted under Article IV, Section 16 of the Connecticut Constitution – to remove Sections 126 and 128 of the bill. Both sections make appropriations in the current fiscal year that would push state spending well above the limit set by the constitutional spending cap. In addition, the Governor said, it is unwise public policy to make such large appropriations on a bill-by-bill basis, especially without a comprehensive budget agreement for the next two years.

“While House Bill 7432 does little to offer immediate relief to the struggling ratepayers of Connecticut, it will make a number of substantial and beneficial changes to our long-term energy policy,” Governor Rell said. “The sections I have vetoed would appropriate $100 million in the current fiscal year – more than enough to push state spending this year well over the cap. Under law, exceeding the cap requires a declaration of fiscal emergency by the Governor – a declaration that I was not asked to sign and that I am not willing to issue at this time, especially since the bill brings no immediate or emergency relief to ratepayers.

“There are also a number of nettlesome provisions and drafting errors in the bill that cause me concern,” the Governor said. “Some deal with how bond money is distributed among state agencies; others deal with oversight of energy projects and sales tax exemption drafting errors. I want to note these reservations and encourage the Legislature to deal with them in separate legislation during the remaining days of the session. But it has taken two years to develop and pass this legislation and I have no desire to veto the entire bill because of these problem areas.”

Section 126 would have appropriated $95 million to buy back bonds and help restore the funding balances in the Renewable Energy Investment and the Energy Conservation and Load Management funds. Both funds have been tapped in the past to help balance state budgets, depleting the balances in both accounts.

“Replenishing these funds is a worthy goal, and in fact I recommended doing so in my February 7 budget,” Governor Rell said. “But it cannot be done through the means contained in this bill.”

Section 128 would have appropriated $2.5 million for a one-time program to help people who have high outstanding utility bill balances pay off those debts. The section would also have appropriated a total of $2.5 million to help fund and expand Operation Fuel Inc.

“While I am a long-time supporter of Operation Fuel and believe the goals of the bill are laudable, here again the method is unacceptable,” the Governor said. “These goals should be achieved in the framework of an overall budget agreement that spells out the handling of the current year’s surplus and the spending plan for the next two years.”

Among the remaining issues Governor Rell would like to see addressed are provisions in Sections 10 and 78 that would make the Institute for Sustainable Energy responsible for setting a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) exemption applicable to state and commercial buildings. That decision should be made by the Executive Branch rather than an academic institution, the Governor said.

Other provisions that need attention, the Governor said, include sections that allocate bond funds to the Department of Public Utility Control rather than the Office of Policy and Management; the creation in Section 101 of an unnecessarily cumbersome process for undertaking energy projects in state buildings; and effective dates for sales tax exemptions that should be July 1 rather than June 1.

“I am very hopeful that the General Assembly will be willing to work with my Administration to address the remaining concerns about this well-intentioned legislation,” Governor Rell said. “That is why, in addition to sending my signing message to the Secretary of the State, I am writing to all members of the General Assembly explaining my actions and calling on them to do just that before the session ends on Wednesday.”

Pond Scum calls for ethical reform???

on Monday, May 21, 2007

U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy spearheaded an effort by freshman representatives Wednesday to call for an independent and bipartisan ethics panel to investigate complaints against lawmakers.
"Clearly the Ethics Committee that Congress has today doesn't work," said Murphy, D-5th Dist. "The process that's in place right now requires congressional members to investigate their friends and colleagues.

"It's time for a change. The voters sent me here to drain down the swamp that's become Washington, D.C. That's what I intend to do."

Murphy is calling for an independent panel, made up of members of the public, that could initiate and investigate complaints made against members of Congress.

Murphy and ethics in the same sentence?


This is the Murphy that did a dog and pony show at a chamber of commerce breakfast held in a hospital cafeteria who went on and on about malpractice insurance; received oodles of cash from the doctors that attended and even more from their friends that they all dutifully called and then voted against any sort of relief for them?

A viper who so incensed the medical community that a non-political 70 year old OB Gyn took the day off to work the polls for Murphy’s opponent?
(1st time in his life he ever donated to a politician was to Murphy)

That Chris Murphy??

This is the guy that spread around that the incumbents son was terminal and the incumbents wife had lost it and was “up at the institute” having had a breakdown over her child’s illness and that the incumbent was in no position to serve? (None of it was true, that man’s son is receiving his Eagle Scout Award this Sunday, thank you very much)

That Chris Murphy???

Ethics and Chris Murphy in the same sentence is simply impossible.

The guy makes Billy Sol Estes look like Diogones.

100 Days of Broken Promises

on Tuesday, April 17, 2007

This in from Connecticut Republican Party Chairman, Chris Healy

100 days ago, the Democrats took control of the House and Senate promising real change in Washington and real results for the American people.

100 days later, we're still waiting.

They promised legislation, not investigation -- But they're so intent on going after Republicans that they're spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars on outside investigators to make sure no score goes unsettled.

They promised that Congress would be in Washington working every week from Monday until Friday, just like the American people do -- But three months later, the five-day work week has fallen completely by the wayside.

They promised real results for the American people -- But 100 days later, the Democrat leadership has not managed to send a single one of Nancy Pelosi's self-identified 'legislative priorities' to the President's desk.

They promised to be as strong as Republicans in the War on Terror -- But three months after they came to power, they decided the war didn't even exist, instructing their staff members never to use the phrase "Global War on Terror."

They promised an end to pork-barrel projects -- But three months later, they tacked $21 billion in earmarks - including spinach subsidies, support for peanut farmers, and $16 million for additional office space for the House of Representatives - onto a bill that was supposed to provide emergency funding for our men and women in uniform in Iraq and Afghanistan .

Unfortunately, there are some promises the Democrats did keep.

They ran for office promising to force a retreat from Iraq , and that is precisely what they are attempting to do.

Their version of the emergency war spending bill includes a provision that would force U.S. troops to begin retreating from Iraq regardless of the situation on the ground.

The President promised to veto any bill that would force a retreat before Iraq is stable, but he never even got the chance, because the House and Senate fled Washington for their Spring Break without passing a final bill.

Our generals on the ground have made it clear that time and money are running out - as of April 15, the Pentagon will have to begin cutting back on equipment repair and training if the Democrats don't do their duty.

Our troops deserve and need that support, and soon.

They promised to raise your taxes, and they're doing exactly that.

As we approach Tax Day, the Democrats are pushing through budget plans to raise taxes by $400 billion - the largest tax increase in our nation's history.

According to the U.S. Treasury Department, the Democrat plan would raise taxes by:

- More than $2,700 per year on 48 million married couples.

- More than $2,000 per year on 17 million seniors.

- Almost $2,000 per year on 84 million women.

Who needs that money more - the government, or the hard-working people who earned it?