A two month old post of ours seems to be stiring up trouble in spiffier than thou Litchfield.
Seems they're not wild about the picture we used; maybe they'd have been happier with this:

...or even this!

"The Star of David may not comply with the District"; Litchfield Historic Commission Chair, Wendy Kuhne
Read all about it here: Image on Blog Site Is Fueling a Controversy in Litchfield
..or here:
Litchfield County Times
It's amazing!
All they needed to do in the first place was obey federal law; but they can't seem to grasp that notion!
More sophisticated land-use experts have largely come to the only logical conclusion when it comes to dealing with religious institutions of any kind.
Leave them alone.
Indeed, considering RLUIPA requires the burden be placed not on the applicant, but rather on whatever government entity is seeking to regulate a religious institution and then the government entity must demonstrate a Compelling Interest.
Such a demonstration has yet to be illustrated by the Litchfield Historical Commission; thus their actions thus far are undoubtedly illegal as will any other actions they pursue without first demonstrating their legitimate need....their compelling interest.
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