Let's whine & fuss and ignore the law!

on Saturday, December 8, 2007
I got an email this afternoon that indicated political allies of mine were fielding heat over a two month old posting of mine.

Let it be known that I'd rather be loyal than right and I'd be happy (as anyone who spends any time surfing between blogs knows), defending myself. It is however another thing altogether when our extremely hard working party chair has to defend me too; and for that (and that alone) I apologize.

Three separate Holocaust survivors (all 3 are very old and somewhat frail) that I have been in contact with have expressed rabid dismay with the actions of the Litchfield Historical Commission - but not with any postings of ours.

Never mind that not one critic of my, or another bloggers posts on that subject, have ever addressed the fact that Litchfield is defying federal law. Quite the contrary -it's clear that those that wish to take this or Cool Justice to task have in fact another far more sinister agenda.


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