Let's look at the record...

on Sunday, April 14, 2013
There is no question the Connecticut Republican Party is in dire need of reconstruction.

What the party faithful don't know, is that task
 has been going on for two years.

Please don't underestimate the straits we found ourselves in.

People tend to forget or ignore the impact of the post Rowland era; which took a serious toll on our fund-raising abilities.
Further, it was difficult to do *ANYTHING* while we were embroiled in costly lawsuits, carried around a 6 digit debt, and were hard pressed to raise funds.
Were it not for former CTGOP Chair George Gallo, we might well remain in debt to this very day.
The state party has worked non-stop 
rebuilding our infrastructure. 
We have however done a poor (lousy) job of  communicating those efforts to our local town committees and the grassroots base.

In 2012, despite a Democratic presidential candidate carrying Connecticut, for the 1st time in decades the GOP lost no legislative seats in either chamber.


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