(I emailed her, as a former tobacco company employee - I'm a big fan.)
I've followed her for ages - through two employers. Bonnie has the ability to make easy to understand sense out of a lot of confusing raw data.
She's got to be waaaay smart.
I was going to make some comment about how from her photo she seems pretty easy on the eyes too; but that would make me appear sexist and since that's not the case I won't make any such remarks.
For the 1st 189 years of this country's history,
tobacco was our number one export.
tobacco was our number one export.
Tobacco earned the name
"The Golden Leaf"
and it appears it remains true today.
Last evenings email included this:
The above is copyright wellsfargo.com Please inquire there about receiving your own subscription to Ms. Herzogs timely and informative emails.
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