Erik needs some folks with real brass

on Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Erik Semmel's an unusually decent fellow. 
(Literally a pillar of the community.)

If you've got brass,
he wants to hear it.

Erik's a busy guy!

He finds time to coach these young musicians:
Southington Brass

Since 1995 along with his trusty sidekick TJ,  he's hosted a radio show, you've probably heard them:

Somehow he makes time to pay his civic dues serving as an 
official town waterboarder as well!

<- Not that waterboarding.

This water boarding ->

Erik's on the town 
Water Board!

Now, as if in addition to the above and raising his own kids he needs a little something extra to while away the time;
 Erik's gotten the idea to break a Guinness World Record!

The Brass Blast

The Southington Brass Blast is a Guinness World Record attempt for the largest trumpet ensemble and a benefit for organizations that support students and musicians. At least 1,200 trumpeters are needed to break the record. We will be performing The National Anthem and a selection that meets the Guinness criteria for this record breaking attempt. Trumpet players who haven't picked up their horn in a while, especially parents of current trumpet students are encouraged to join us.

Learn more!


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