Malloy - "We're not raising taxes"

on Friday, May 20, 2011
Union ‘Concession’ Plan Full of Holes,
Mythical Savings Used to Balance Budget

A staged press briefing that took place today at Rentschler Field and was yet another attempt to sell the phony concession package to skeptical audiences. Gov. Malloy counted on at least $2 billion in savings and union concessions as the final pieces to balance the budget he introduced in February.

As details of the deal emerged since it was hastily announced a week ago, it has become clear that the numbers do not add up, Republicans said. "And there is little, if any, of the 'shared sacrifice' that the governor has called for,'' Cafero said.

Details of the package include:
* A four-year no lay-off provision for the entire state workforce
* 10.3 percent salary increase over five years
* A five year extension of the much criticized health care and pension plan
* No furlough days costing taxpayers $42 million a year
* No changes in taxpayer funded union steward positions which cost a total of $93 million a year
* No reduction health care benefits for state workers
* No increase in pension contributions or health care premiums

Gov. Malloy insisted his budget would contain no gimmicks and real savings. No gimmicks? The questionable savings amount to an estimated $566 million or nearly one third of the $1.6 billion
Malloy claims in savings. 
Consider these.
* $205 million in anticipated savings from requiring state workers to become healthier overnight through annual check-ups and other "Value Added'' Health care components
* $180 million in savings to come from state employee suggestion boxes to be placed through state government
* $90 million through greater technology advancements 
* $75 million in "Health Cost Containment Initiatives''
* $13.5 million relating to prescription drugs going "off patent''
* $3 million savings from voluntary obesity and tobacco programs.

Republicans said the four-year no lay-off provision and the five-year pension and health care extension will prevent many short and long-term savings.


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