Oz Griebel = Lowell Weicker version 2.0

on Monday, June 21, 2010

Lowell Weicker spoke against an income tax throughout the 1990 campaign.

As you'll recall however, once elected he was singing a different tune altogether, and before we could blink we had an income tax!

Meanwhile, it sounds like Oz is getting us ready for whatever he really has in mind.

"Trying to find $3.5 billion worth of cuts, that's daunting,"  
he said, adding that if he pledged to close it entirely with cuts, 
"I don't know if I could look at myself in the mirror."

Ironically, Griebel made the remarks to the Mirror.

 ("Griebel's First Budget: Dip into 'Big Buckets'", CT Mirror, 6/21/10)


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