Foley Buys Fort Knox!

on Monday, April 12, 2010
Plans to bring back gold standard.

Once anointed elected Governor, will tell staff to gear up for presidential run.

Are you Kidding?
Of course the above is nonsense!

Check your calendars folks, it's April!
Election Day is 7 months away.

A little early to be reading the tea leaves don't you think?

Consider the following:
Only 7% of self-funding candidates win.
In April of 1984 Reagan was behind.
Of the 143 or so current candidates for Connecticut Governor, only one built a successful national high-tech business from scratch.

One candidate has already spent in excess of 2.4 million and for that expense currently leads according to Rasmussen Reports by up to 7 points.

The only true self-made-man in the race however, having spent less than $150,000 thus far, trails by but a few points.


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