Reagan says: Markley for the 16th

on Wednesday, April 28, 2010

In 1984 Ronald Reagan rode into Connecticut and while here endorsed Joe Markley for CT's 16th district senate seat.

Joe Markley is the only CT candidate running for the seat for which he was endorsed by Reagan.
Indeed, Markley might well be the only candidate in the country to make that claim.

Joe enjoyed other big name support too, including William F. Buckley who not only keynoted Markley's kick-off, but wrote a personal check for $500, the then maximum legal contribution to his campaign.

While neither Reagan nor Buckley will be attending Joe's kick-off this year, the single most influential supporter Joe ever had will be.

Dick Bozzuto

Join Dick this Saturday at noon on the Southington Town Green!

Joining Dick will be conservative Connecticut legend, Tom Scott, shown here with the late Wm F. Buckley.

Help us return sanity to our state government.

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State Senate Candidate Rob Gonzalez

on Saturday, April 24, 2010
I met Rob Gonzalez about the same time I began this blog. Gonzalez was a friend of a woman we tried valiantly to field for congress, Cuban born Miriam Masullo.

Rob's life story is one of overcoming adversity, which he's done the same way others before him have. Tenacious hard work and faith, including faith in himself.
Gonzalez has impressed everyone I've introduced him to.
Working with others we've encouraged him to seek elective office, which with no help from me he's done.

My close friend and long time ally, Joe Markley invited Rob to speak at a tax day rally this month. I wasn't there however I was sent a link to the videos taken that day.

I was stunned when of the videos hit this point:
(edited here down to 42 seconds)

Here's Rob's remarks in their entirety.

Dragging others into politics, most especially those that don't fit the widely held stereotypical mold or image of "Republicans" has been the most satisfying work of my life.

Hat tip and original video credit to:

Mike Fedele Has a Plan

on Thursday, April 22, 2010
Rebuilding Our Economy and Bringing Back Jobs

Through Creative and Aggressive Actions to Retain & Attract Jobs

There is no question the national recession has devastated business activity in Connecticut. More than 100,000 jobs have been lost --- with more likely from the closure of some 26,000 businesses in just the past two years.

The good news is that Connecticut is in a better position than most states to recover. Connecticut workers are still the most skilled in the country and our schools, communities and quality of life are the envy of the nation. We remain the highest earning state per capita and are tops in worker productivity.

But these advantages are a small consolation to the many families struggling to make ends meet – and to businesses fighting to stay open.

The solution lies in a single word -- JOBS.
Creating private sector jobs is the best, if not the only, way to get our economy back on track.
The situation couldn’t be more straight-forward.

People who have jobs pay income taxes, sales taxes and business taxes. They pay their mortgages and purchase goods and services. They contribute to the economy and generate revenue to pay for needed government programs. People who don’t have jobs need more government services -- like unemployment insurance, health care and housing assistance – and those services require more tax dollars.

Working people and successful employers will ignite our economy – just as they’ve done so in past economic recoveries. But strong leadership and the right solutions are needed to turn our existing strengths into a competitive advantage – not just in the short-term but for long-term economic growth.

As a successful businessman for two decades, I know what makes companies grow – and understand what hinders them.

Twenty years ago, I started an information technology firm in my hometown of Stamford that I grew into a national company with offices in states across the country.

Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial

on Thursday, April 15, 2010

UPDATE! August 28th 2011
Okay okay - I'll do an update!
This post has received more hits than anything else on this site and in fact makes up over 25% of the hits we get after a search engine look-up. 
I'll have an update with photos, a map etc. w/in a week after which I'll re-edit this post and remove this notice.

It's time we built this man a memorial.
He was after all, one of the finest Republicans of the 20th century.

Foley Buys Fort Knox!

on Monday, April 12, 2010
Plans to bring back gold standard.

Once anointed elected Governor, will tell staff to gear up for presidential run.

Are you Kidding?
Of course the above is nonsense!

Check your calendars folks, it's April!
Election Day is 7 months away.

A little early to be reading the tea leaves don't you think?

Consider the following:
Only 7% of self-funding candidates win.
In April of 1984 Reagan was behind.
Of the 143 or so current candidates for Connecticut Governor, only one built a successful national high-tech business from scratch.

One candidate has already spent in excess of 2.4 million and for that expense currently leads according to Rasmussen Reports by up to 7 points.

The only true self-made-man in the race however, having spent less than $150,000 thus far, trails by but a few points.

Ratify the Myth

on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
For over 50 years the Democrats have tried to convince America that the Republican Party is the party of the rich, and pretty much no one else.

What's worse is that in some areas they've succeeded in promoting that myth.

So why are some Republicans even entertaining the thought of running people that will ratify that myth?

Some have received substantial donations to their local town committees, for others it's unclear, but mostly it's insanity!

Only 7 percent of those candidates
that funded 60% or more of their own campaigns win.