Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Chris Healy
competes in 73rd annual Manchester Road Race (his 20th).

That's Chris 48 rows back at the start and the 33rd from the left.
(Healy's own report here.)
competes in 73rd annual Manchester Road Race (his 20th).

That's Chris 48 rows back at the start and the 33rd from the left.
(Healy's own report here.)
The Chairman works tirelessly everyday.
Chris Healy's too modest to release his schedule; however we have managed to come into possession of one days agenda from a few weeks ago in mid-October. Please note - this is incomplete as some items have been removed due to their sensitivity.
Everything here is true!
Except the stuff I made up; which is all of it.
4:13 - Uses Twitter to alert his minions he's on his way.
4:45 - Stops by state headquarters, gets coffee ready to make as a `courtesy' to his staff, slips in mild amphetamines.
5:00 - Composes, prints and signs various thank you notes from previous days activities.
5:20 - Sends off bulk email to rally the GOP faithful and encourages them to commit to a full 10% Tithe to the state party.
5:25 - Leaves headquarters for drive to breakfast meetings in Greenwich at 6:45 and Darien at 8:00
6:52 - Pulls into unnamed country club, counts 61 limos 1 Astin Martin and a Bugatti.
7:00 - Speaks to group of Evangelical Greenwich Republicans; has all 63 present on their feet in under 35 seconds chanting "Hey Obama! Keep the change." 59 write checks, 4 others hand over their American Express Cards.
8:15 - Darien Republicans pledge to beat whatever Greenwich group gave an hour earlier; 3 pass out when told the amount, others quickly scribble checks and promise to try harder in the future.
9:00 - Driving back to central Connecticut, takes call from Al Gore, explains Electoral College for the 57th time.
9:15 - Ponders changing name of state party to "The First Church of the Reformed Republican" so donations would qualify as charitable giving.
9:45 - Stops at gym, does 8 miles on treadmill and 250 sit-ups; running late skips usual 150 chin-ups.
10:20 - Leaves gym for meeting with legislative leaders.
10:27 - Conference call with Rove, Huckabee, and Bill O`Reilly. Approves their proposed remarks for broadcast later in day. Still has to write Sean Hannity's script.
10:28 - During conference call, allows call from Arlen Specter ring through and go to voice mail. (Wonders, "When will Arlen figure out that I'm not helping him anymore?")
11:00 - Coffee with CT Republican legislative leaders.
11:30 - Calls Ann Coulter and asks that she email him proposed Hannity script for days broadcast.
11:54 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
12:00 - Returns to party headquarters to find entire staff working feverishly (see 4:45) Smiles, encourages them, makes more coffee.
12:11 - Returns calls to state central members and others; 17 calls in all.
1:00 - Puts finishing touches on 3 press releases; none his own.
1:12 - Takes call from California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, understands every 3rd word. Thanks Arnold for calling; neither has any idea what call was about.
1:30 - Tweeks Coulter's proposed Hannity script, forwards to Sean via Blackberry, blind copies Ann.
1:32 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
1:35 - Calls Coulter, thanks her for her help.
1:41 - Takes call from citizen, explains to said citizen that he lives in district with both state rep and senator from Democratic Party which is why neither ever call back. Recommends calling nearby adjacent district Republican state representative. Provides contact information including cell number.
2:00 - Non-profit group arrives to seek Healy's help. Chairman agrees to run in charity race (23rd this year), attend annual dinner and to encourage his minions to do the same. Writes check for 100, hands it over to group.
2:20 - Runs off thank you notes to those attending breakfast meetings earlier; personally signs all 112.
2:37 - Sends message via Twitter encouraging followers to support non-profit road race and dinner.
2:48 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
3:00 - Undisclosed location. Encourages prospective candidate to run for state assembly, and assures him that 2 Masters, Ph.D., 5 patented inventions, 20 years as a Little League coach, 15 as a Boy Scout leader, not to mention the prospects active membership in 3 fraternities, 4 civic groups, and as chairman of his church council might lend itself to electability.
3:45 - Closer to Providence than Hartford, speaks to group of Teen Age Republicans. Endorses their plan to follow Don Williams around with camcorders; discourages use of Photoshop in their efforts but acknowledges that Williams head on Marilyn Monroe is really well done.
3:46 - Sends email via Blackberry thanking prospective candidate and further encouraging him to run.
4:10 - Posts photos and comments regarding fine young group of Teenagers (see 3:45) on Facebook via Blackberry. Considers but declines to include the Willams/Monroe shot despite it being really well done.
4:22 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
4:34 - Calls headquarters, asks staff to run off thank you notes to Teen Age Republicans, and prospective candidate; leave on his desk for him to sign in the morning.
5:00 - Early arrival at town committee pasta supper outside New London. Mingles, does usual encouraging speech.
5:45 - Updates both Twitter and Facebook via Blackberry
6:11 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
7:00 - Keynote speaker at dinner near Danbury. Crowd on their feet 12 separate times in what should have been 14 minute speech but ran to 21 due to applause and chanting.
9:00 - Heads for home, an hour away.
9:21 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
10:12 - Mrs. Healy inquires as to what kind day he's had, to which Chris reply's "Nothing unusual, but tomorrow I've got a busy one!".
10:15 - Sean Hannity calls to thank Healy for his help.
10:19 - Quickly hand writes thank you note to Coulter for her help with Hannity script earlier in day.
10:29 - Ignores call from Arlen Specter.
10:30 - Sets Blackberry to "silent".
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