Connecticut State Representative and Deputy House Speaker James O’Rourke has won the coveted Ted Kennedy Driving Award
In the time honored Kennedy tradition, O'Rourke was able to once again prove that:
Guns don't kill people -
but riding with a drunken Democratic Legislators will.
and like Kennedy giving a woman the [last] ride of her life can be done with total legal impunity if one simply leaves and doesn't notify anyone until someone else finds the body.

Thrilled upon hearing the news, O'Rourke, aglow with pride, stated he would do everything possible to live up to high driving standards set by Senator Kennedy since July of 1969 when the award began.
To that end, starting tomorrow O'Rourke stated he will head up the new Legislative Car Pool so Connecticut lawmakers can set an example towards energy conservation.
It will be interesting to see who, if anyone is willing to accept a ride from Representative O'Rourke.
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