Let's kill every small business! 1 at a time.

on Thursday, April 16, 2009

They're at it again.

No better than armed robbers.

Connecticut consumers already pay the 3rd highest in the nation - but frankly this has nothing to do with smoking.

Consider this: 76% of all convenience store purchases include some tobacco product.
Over 75% of all the cigarettes sold in the country are sold by small retailers employing under 12 people total.

We lose over 27.00 in Connecticut revenue for every carton brought in illegally.

Over 30% of the cigarettes consumed in CT were not purchased here NOW!
Another tax increase will only hurt our retailers and our state budget even more.

Connecticut receives over 4.00 per-carton from the Master Settlement.
As bootleg (out of state) cigarette sales increase we cost ourselves both that plus the sales tax of over 3.00 per carton; not to mention the 20.00 CT cigarette tax.

House Republicans: 860 240-8700 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1423
House Democrats: 860 240-8585 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-8267
Senate Democrates: 860 240-8600 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1420
Senate Republicans: 860 240-8800 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1421


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