The end of the road

on Monday, April 27, 2009

A dark day in America

Good-Bye Pontiac

There are things that simply make no sense.

For example, in 1859 John Brown freed slaves and was hanged for treason for his efforts.

Today however, and for reasons that I have never comprehended, trading with a nation that blocks both our produce and products, and in a predatory fashion subsidizes their exporting companies; to the point of ruining our corporations and costing hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of hard working Americans their very jobs, is considered "OK".

1964 Pontiac GTO

History of Pontiac

History of the Pontiac GTO

Democrats cancel fundraiser honoring Doyle

on Sunday, April 26, 2009
You may remember the old E.F.Hutton commercial that said---- When E F. Hutton talks…people listen. Perhaps, the same could be said about State Republican Chairman Chris Healy.

Rocky Hill Democrats had a May 9th town committee fundraiser scheduled to honor State Senator Paul Doyle. The event was being promoted in several publications and they were actively trying to sell tickets. Healy called on the Rocky Hill Democrats to dump Doyle and detailed why he believed the "ethically challenged Senator" was a poor choice to honor.

It has now been confirmed, Rocky Hill Democrats have canceled the May 9th event and will reschedule later in September. It has also been learned that Paul Doyle will not be their honoree at that future event.

Thanks and a tip of the hat to fellow state central members.

Many A Truth Is Told In Jest

on Thursday, April 23, 2009
(double click to bring up in full size)

Is Dodd a Sitting Duck?

on Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sam Caligiuri asks:

"Can we do better?"

Pundits and political scientists can debate complex theories all day long, but to me, building a stronger America and a better Connecticut boils down to one simple question...Read More

Republicans - "NO Tax Increase"

on Thursday, April 16, 2009

Let's kill every small business! 1 at a time.

They're at it again.

No better than armed robbers.

Connecticut consumers already pay the 3rd highest in the nation - but frankly this has nothing to do with smoking.

Consider this: 76% of all convenience store purchases include some tobacco product.
Over 75% of all the cigarettes sold in the country are sold by small retailers employing under 12 people total.

We lose over 27.00 in Connecticut revenue for every carton brought in illegally.

Over 30% of the cigarettes consumed in CT were not purchased here NOW!
Another tax increase will only hurt our retailers and our state budget even more.

Connecticut receives over 4.00 per-carton from the Master Settlement.
As bootleg (out of state) cigarette sales increase we cost ourselves both that plus the sales tax of over 3.00 per carton; not to mention the 20.00 CT cigarette tax.

House Republicans: 860 240-8700 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1423
House Democrats: 860 240-8585 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-8267
Senate Democrates: 860 240-8600 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1420
Senate Republicans: 860 240-8800 toll free (w/in CT) 800 842-1421

Marcia Gay Hayden to Address Breast Cancer Reasearch In Hartford

on Monday, April 13, 2009

An Academy Award-winning actress, Marcia Gay Harden, will appear at the Legislative Office Building (Directions) on Tuesday to speak about new medicines in the battle against breast cancer. The press conference, sponsored by We Work for Health Connecticut, will highlight the importance of medical innovation in Connecticut for patients and the economy. Overall, Connecticut companies are currently working on 74 cutting-edge medicines in an ongoing attempt to cure the disease. We Work for Health of Connecticut brings together Connecticut leaders in research, medicine, public health, academia, education, and business to highlight factors that will support the survival and growth of medical innovation in Connecticut.

Besides winning the Academy Award, Harden has also been nominated for the Tony Award and the Emmy Award. She won the Academy Award for best supporting actress in 2000 for playing painter Lee Krasner in Pollock, and she was nominated in the same category in 2003 for Mystic River. Currently, she appears in the well-known Fx series "Damages,'' playing a corporate attorney on the screen with former Greenwich resident Glenn Close and famed actor William Hurt. Harden, an advocate for cancer patients, is also appearing in Broadway's "God of Carnage'' with Jeff Daniels, James Gandolfini, and Hope Davis.

Further information is available at

WSJ Reports on Governor Ed Rendell's Shady Dealing With Trial Lawyers

on Thursday, April 9, 2009

Yesterday's Wall Street Journal included a must read article exposing a potential inappropriate relationship between the Office of Governor Ed Rendell and the Houston based Law Firm of Bailey, Perrin and Bailey.

The State of Pennsylvania has filed suit against Jansen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson claiming the company improperly marketed their antipsychotic drug Risperdal for uses not approved by the FDA. Jansen denies the charges, but that's not the issue in the motion they've filed before the PA Supreme Court.

Jansen has challenged that the case is being prosecuted by Bailey, Perrin and Bailey (rather than the DA), who's founding partner, F. Kenneth Bailey made contributions to Gov. Rendell's 2006 re-relection campaign exceeding $90,000. Among them:
  • Airplaine travel valued at $16,100
  • $75,000 in direct contibutions
  • (and) 25,000 to the Democratic Governor's Association (which contributed more than $1 million to Rendell)
The Journal has an interesting timeline demonstrating the the relationship between Bailey's contribution and the process by which his firm was awarded the no-bid contingency fee contract. The award gaurentees the firm 15% of any judegment award. Better yet, the agreement bars the state from settling the case "unless the settlement also provides reasonably for the compensation of [Bailey Perrin] by [Janssen] for the services provided by the law firm under this contract."

The Court is expected to rule on the motion shortly. The WSJ offers its own two cents:

..but whatever the outcome, the episode is another example of why more states should reform the process for retaining outside counsel.

State prosecutors are supposed to be motivated by a sense of public responsibility for the interests of justice. Law firms have other motivations, and no-bid contingency-fee deals encourage lawyers with a financial stake in a case to try meritless claims or ask for exorbitant awards. That serves neither taxpayers nor justice, though in this case it sure did help Mr. Rendell's re-election campaign.

Another American 1st , thanks to Obama

on Wednesday, April 8, 2009
No American President has ever bowed to a monarch.

Until Now.

Heads of state do NOT bow to Kings.
One should show respect, but never act as an inferior.

Couple this with Obama’s ridiculous lack of respect for the British Prime Minister and it really makes you think.

Chris Healy discusses Dodd on Fox News

on Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Connecticut Republican Party Chairman appeared on Fox News
April 5th to discuss his disgust with Chris Dodd.

Republican Senate Candidate Field Grows

The Republican field of candidates running in 2010 continues to grow; here they can be seen holding a meeting at an undisclosed location.

Seriously though folks -
Between announced and "thinking about it, we're up to four.

Starting at upper left and going clockwise.
Former Ambassador Tom Foley, Rob Simmons, Jack Orchulli, Sam Caligiuri

Liberal press threatens to shut down liberal press

on Friday, April 3, 2009
New York Times threatens to shut Boston Globe

The nearly Stalinist New York Times; usually a friend to both organized crime and trade unions (was that redundant?) now facing financial problems due to their total lack of journalistic integrity has decided to threaten the union workers working for their subsidiary paper, The Boston Globe unless those union members come up with 20,000,000 in wage concessions.

Possible concessions at the Globe, the 14th-largest U.S. daily paper by weekday circulation, include pay cuts, the end of pension contributions by the company and the elimination of lifetime job guarantees for some veteran staff, the paper said, quoting Boston Newspaper Guild president Daniel Totten.

Ya, the stooges at the Times will do our bidding well after our deaths.