Much of the "new left" is nothing less than Anti-Semitic.
The left's abilty to hate is a sight to behold.

HASAN QUDDIM leads a chant in front of scores of protesters along Main Street in Hartford Friday.
Ross Taylor photo
Original link courtesy of Bob Adams
We should note that their collective perspective is identical to that of the Nazi's however there's apparenly now a name for that - the "Godwin Law" makes it next to impossible to call a Nazi a Nazi - it's now against the rules.

Worse some leftists of Jewish descent with attitudes their own grandparents (if they survived the Nazi's) would refer to as "Collaborators" (the ultimate insult) have the chutzpah to feign injury when they themselves are guilty of nothing less than overt anti-Semitism!
The majority of blogs tend to lean left as well.
Some post the truth so as to counter those that would willingly allow the total annilation of Jews.
Here's what is really going on, from a variety of sources.
History of Terrorism in Israel
The author states:
"..unable to find a comprehensive listing of all terrorist attacks in Israel and so, I made one myself." A blogger named " Linda (She's sharp, right wing, & attractive to boot!
The Christian Science Monitor
Israel, Hamas, and moral idiocy
Much of the world's response is a false moral equivalence that simply encourages the terrorists. Alan M. Dershowitz
Disproportionate, Huh? Ruth King
National Review
Excessive Force? James S. Robbins
Haaretz Newspaper (Israeli - but remarkably balanced)
Hit them where it hurts Sayed Kashua (an Arab living in Israel)
Terrorism Awareness Project
What Really Happened David Horowitz
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