Michael Steele

on Friday, January 30, 2009

Man of Steele
Republican National Committee Chair!

Former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele was elected Friday the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee.

A brief biography:

Michael S. Steele served as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland from 2003 through 2007.

Steele is chairman of GOPAC.

When Steele was elected Lieutenant Governor of Maryland in 2003, he became the first African American elected to state-wide office in that state.

He is currently a partner in the international law firm of Dewey & LeBoeuf in Washington, D.C.

From 1991-1997, Steele was a corporate securities attorney at the international law firm of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in Washington, D.C., specializing in sophisticated financial transactions on behalf of Wall Street underwriters.

He also was a corporate finance counsel for the Mills Corporation and founded his own company, The Steele Group, a business and legal consulting firm.

His writings on law, business and politics have appeared in The Washington Times, Politico.com, Townhall.com, and The Journal of International Security Affairs, among others.

Named a 2005 Aspen Institute-Rodel Fellow in Public Leadership and awarded the 2005 Bethune-DuBois Institute Award for his ongoing work in the development of quality education in Maryland, Steele has served on a variety of boards and commissions, including the Export-Import Bank Advisory Board, the U.S. Naval Academy Board of Visitors, and the Republican National Committee.

Born in 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince Georges County, Maryland, Steele was raised in Washington, D.C.

He spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood, but ultimately chose a career in law instead.

He earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1991.

Steele serves on the Administrative Board of the Maryland Catholic Conference and is a member of St. Marys Catholic Church in Landover Hills, MD, where he attends mass regularly with his wife Andrea and their two sons.

The above is from Fox News

Don't Act Like a Democrat

on Sunday, January 25, 2009

Andy Levy of The Red-Eye Report (Fox News) suggests we Republicans not act like the Kool Aid drinkers to our left.

DON’T question the motives - question the policy. When you disagree with Obama’s policies, say so, and make it clear why. But remember that President Obama is doing what he thinks is best for the country, as President Bush did. Both men love America and want what’s best for her. End of story.

DON’T make it personal. We don’t need another Derangement Syndrome. We don’t need people doing things like emphasizing Obama’s middle name in a derogatory fashion. How anyone would think that’s beneficial to their cause, or to the country as a whole, is beyond me. Also, it’s not even clever. Neither are smushwords like BusHitler, or sillywords like Rethuglicans and Dhimmicrats.

DON’T cozy up to and champion foreign dictators and despots. Sean Penn is an ass. No reason to be like him. ‘Nuff said. (Corollary: Don’t cozy up to and champion foreign dictators and despots and then act outraged when people question your patriotism.)

DON’T pretend you’re being brave when you criticize your government. Not while people in other countries actually, y’know, DIE, when they do that.

DON’T use the word “divisive.” At this point, all that word means is “You disagree with me,” and the English language gets mangled enough these days.

DON’T use the phrase “speaking truth to power.” EVER.

DON’T move to Canada.

DON’T say you’re going to move to Canada and then stay here. (I know it’s too late for Stephen Baldwin, but not for the rest of you.)

DON’T apologize to foreigners and say things to them like, “I didn’t vote for Obama,” or “He’s not MY president.”

DON’T say or do everything in your power to drive this country apart and then claim you want unity when it’s your guy in power. This is like the convicted felon who conveniently finds God when he’s up for parole.

DON’T call people un-American one week, and then talk about how “We are not blue states or red states, we are the United States” the next. (This rule may only apply to Tom Hanks, but I put it in just to be safe.)

DON’T automatically think people who disagree with you are stupid or evil. Some of them are, of course. But most of them aren’t, and you might actually learn something if you listen to them.

And finally, DON’T use the fact that many on the left behaved abominably for the past eight years as an excuse to behave the same way. America needs adults. And if it bothered you when they did it, it’s a good sign that you shouldn’t do it.

From: `Big Hollywood'

Thank you New York Governor Paterson!

on Friday, January 23, 2009
Paterson appoints Kirsten Gillibrand to Senate

AP Paterson picks Gillibrand as next NY senator

Gillibrand voted for the surge, and enjoys a 100% NRA rating!

It could have been so much worse had Paterson chosen someone like N.Y. Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, or even worse had he picked Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy who entered politics only after her husband was murdered by a gun wielding madman in 1993.

McCarthy's never figured out that had New Yorkers not been disarmed the entire incident probably wouldn't have happened.

... don't mean we're stupid.

on Wednesday, January 21, 2009
United Auto Workers President Ron Gettelfinger, not content destroying America's biggest single industry, now takes on the English language too, slaughtering it for no apparent reason except he can...or maybe he really is that stupid.

You decide.

Just because we're union don't mean we're stupid."

From: Reuters

One of the provisions backed by Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican, would force the UAW to accept stock instead of cash for half of the amount the automakers pledged to a union-affiliated trust fund for retiree health care.

Gettelfinger said that provision, along with a call for the UAW to accept wages competitive with the non-union workers of Japanese automakers in the United States, would be hard for the union to accept or implement.

"Now we have this senator telling us you have to trade cash for equity? What's the value of it?" Gettelfinger said. "C'mon. Just because we're union don't mean we're stupid."

Did a little driving over the past few days

on Monday, January 19, 2009
Put on just under 2000 miles on last week.

CVN-77 USS George H.W. Bush

on Sunday, January 11, 2009
90,000 tons of diplomacy

Senate Democrats Make U-Turn

on Thursday, January 8, 2009
Burris to be seated

After making complete fools of themselves....

Here, Harry Reid Leads anti-Burris rally earlier this week.

Democrats make a complete


Several Senate staffers are now in recovery.

Israel Is Not The Aggressor

on Sunday, January 4, 2009

Much of the "new left" is nothing less than Anti-Semitic.

The left's abilty to hate is a sight to behold.

HASAN QUDDIM leads a chant in front of scores of protesters along Main Street in Hartford Friday.
Ross Taylor photo

Original link courtesy of Bob Adams

We should note that their collective perspective is identical to that of the Nazi's however there's apparenly now a name for that - the "Godwin Law" makes it next to impossible to call a Nazi a Nazi - it's now against the rules.
They sure like it to me too; but heaven help you if you even suggest they're acting like Nazi's.

Worse some leftists of Jewish descent with attitudes their own grandparents (if they survived the Nazi's) would refer to as "Collaborators" (the ultimate insult) have the chutzpah to feign injury when they themselves are guilty of nothing less than overt anti-Semitism!

The majority of blogs tend to lean left as well.

Some post the truth so as to counter those that would willingly allow the total annilation of Jews.

Here's what is really going on, from a variety of sources.

History of Terrorism in Israel
The author states:
"..unable to find a comprehensive listing of all terrorist attacks in Israel and so, I made one myself." A blogger named " Linda (She's sharp, right wing, & attractive to boot!

The Christian Science Monitor
Israel, Hamas, and moral idiocy
Much of the world's response is a false moral equivalence that simply encourages the terrorists.
Alan M. Dershowitz


Disproportionate, Huh? Ruth King

National Review
Excessive Force? James S. Robbins

Haaretz Newspaper (Israeli - but remarkably balanced)
Hit them where it hurts Sayed Kashua (an Arab living in Israel)

Terrorism Awareness Project
What Really Happened David Horowitz

The Senate Should Seat Roland Burris

on Thursday, January 1, 2009

There is no valid reason for the Democrats to not seat this upright and decent man save for their anger with the Governor of Illinois.

Quite the contrary, the Democrats in the United States Senate should be thankful for the opprotunity to welcome such an accomplished man.

Burris's life's history is one of on the level square dealing.

Read more about Burris here.

The man has more than an impressive resume; he pays his civic dues too:

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Free Masons, 320
Member, Board of the Better Business Bureau (2008)
Member, Board of the Auditorium Theater of Chicago (2001-2006)
Member, Board of The National Center for Responsible Gaming (1996-2005)
Trustee, Financial Accounting Foundation (1991-1994)
Chairman, National Association of Attorneys General, Civil Rights Commission (93-95)
Trustee, Government Finance Officers Association of U.S. and Canada (1987-1991)
Member, Howard University Law School Alumni Association
Member, Southern Illinois University Foundation
Member, Mental Health Association of Greater Chicago
Member, U.S. Jaycees
Vice-Chairman, Committee on Illinois Government
Trustee, Goodwill Industries
Member, Chicago Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
Member, Board of Directors, Auditorium Theater of Roosevelt University (1996)
Chairman, Illinois State Justice Commission (1994-1996)
Chairman and Founder, Illinois Commission of the African-American Males (1992-1994)
Vice-Chairman, Democratic National Committee (1985-1989)
Life member, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Life member, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity
Life member, Southern Illinois Alumni Association
Chairman, Civil Rights Committee, National Association of Attorneys General (93-94)
President, National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers (81-82)
Member, Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Beta Boule
Honorary Doctors of Laws Degree, National Louis University, Evanston, Illinois
Honorary Doctors of Laws Degree, Tougaloo College, Tougaloo, Mississippi
White House summer intern for Office of Emergency Planning (1962)

Happy New Year!