Everyone wants a new car!

What's the 1st thing lottery winners do?

They buy a new car!
Americans love new cars and will buy one given almost any excuse to do so.
We can fix the economy, and bailout Detroit by simply giving the car industry a good swift kick!
For starters - blowing cash around and running up the national debt even higher could well be less than bright, however this seems inevitable, so let's make sure it works this time.
The 1st stimulus package did nothing because it wasn't targeted, so the only thing that seemed to enjoy any product movement were flat screen TV's none of which are made in the United States.
Consider this:
The raw (manufacturing) cost of motor vehicles is around 65% total (including suppliers to tier 4) therefore the average unit produces an initial $13,500 in W-2 income which becomes up to $65,000 by years end due. (This isn't "magic" - it's simply how the economy works.)
Instead of a check, lets send everyone a voucher good for up to $1000 on the domestic content of a new motor vehicle.

Seeing as not everyone needs a new car, let us sell the vouchers, give them away, etc. (They would probably be all over EBay) and allow people to use as many as they could acquire, up to the full MSRP of a new vehicle.
This would freshen the national fleet;reducing emissions & increasing overall miles per gallon
Creates more employment than any other industry, while targeting the areas of highest unemployment and foreclosure.
Strengthens the Dollar
By decreasing the number of dollars going offshore, our dollar becomes worth more reducing what we pay for other imported goods, including gas!
Nothing happens in this country until someone sells something; that is when new money enters the system.
The economy would revive in under 180 days under such a plan.
If you've read this far, thank you!
Should you still have misgivings please consider the following:
The Democrats won, and they owe the UAW (either in part or a lot!) for their national victory and several house races too. They will do something to protect that constituency and you can be sure of that.
Should you be laboring under the impression that Detroit(inc) continues to build the junk they used to - well they just don't!
Read this -> Myths about Detroit's Big 3
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