Crackers Upset!

on Sunday, March 18, 2007
This story has nothing to do with Connecticut (well I could tie it to Torrington's own John Brown I suppose, but it would be a stretch). Never-the-less, ACR finds few things more delicious than a story about crackers.

A Confederate flag hanging from a noose on a 13-foot gallows will remain on display despite protests from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who call it an affront to Southern heritage.

"The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag" by black artist John Sims is "offensive, objectionable and tasteless," Robert Hurst, commander of the local camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, said Friday.

Read whole story here. Or Here

Sooner or later they're going to figure out that they lost that war and their flag is nothing other than an embarrassing reminder of that, and the horrible treatment they subjected others to.


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