Sunday liquor sales - the winner is...

on Thursday, August 23, 2012
Democrats screw Mom & Pop businesses......again.

After ramming through Sunday liquor sales over
 the objections of  the majority of Connecticut's Package Store owners, who's the winner?

The winner is - big business!

No substantial business increase. 

Read all about it in this Greenwich Times article:

Sunday liquor sales a mixed cocktail

Republican Unity

on Friday, August 17, 2012
We all know the cliche; `If you can't beat `em, join `em'

In the case of northeast Republicans, especially those of us in too blue Connecticut; it should be:
`We can't beat `em unless we join together'

Ralph Nader - unsafe at any age

on Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Nader calls for granting K9 voting rights!

One of this country's best known homegrown weirdos is so horrified at the prospect of Connecticut electing Linda McMahon that he's publicly calling for dogs to vote: "I would urge a cocker spaniel.."

It's no wonder why the left has been fighting any sort of voter identification regulations, as it's obvious most dogs don't possess any sort of ID as does the dog in the photo to the left.