The Problem With The Anti-Tobacco Crowd

on Monday, December 27, 2010
They Lie

Surgeon General’s Report Called ‘Unscientific’ and Potentially Unethical

A renowned member of the Boston University School of Public Health and members of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association are challenging as unscientific and potentially unethical this week’s report from the Office of Dr. Regina Benjamin, the U.S. Surgeon General, about the effects of tobacco smoke.

Columbus, Georgia (Vocus/PRWEB) December 15, 2010 

A renowned member of the Boston University School of Public Health and members of the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association are challenging as unscientific and potentially unethical this week’s report from the Office of Dr. Regina Benjamin, the U.S. Surgeon General, about the effects of tobacco smoke.

The report said that even brief exposure to secondhand smoke – as from one cigarette - can cause cardiovascular disease, trigger acute cardiac events and can damage one’s DNA and lead to cancer. These and other parts of the report are being challenged by the IPCPR which is comprised of some 2,000 members who are primarily small family businesses that operate neighborhood cigar stores or manufacture premium cigars, pipes, tobacco and related accoutrements.

“The mixed signals and misinformation coming from Dr. Benjamin’s office lead one to question everything they say and do,” said Chris McCalla, legislative director of the IPCPR.

McCalla cited the fact that one of the first actions of President Barack Obama’s administration was to push through draconian increases in tobacco taxes to fund an expanded children’s healthcare program. Then the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act was passed, giving new powers to the Federal Drug Administration to reduce smoking in the United States. Now, the Surgeon General is saying, in effect, that walking past a smoker on the street could cause a person to develop cardiovascular disease and cancer.
“It is simply untrue to assert that brief exposure to secondhand smoke can cause such results,” added Prof. Michael Siegel of Boston University’s School of Public Health. “If there is no safe level of exposure to any carcinogen, that would include exposure to automobile exhaust, the sun’s rays, benzene, radon in homes, arsenic in drinking water and many other everyday items.”

Prof. Siegel, who is not associated with the tobacco industry or IPCPR, also said those statements are untrue and that nothing in the actual report supports those assertions.

“There is nothing in the report itself which … supports the assertions that a brief exposure to secondhand smoke can cause cardiovascular disease or cancer. These assertions … have been manufactured to create a sense of public hysteria, but they are unsupported by any science whatsoever,” he wrote in his blog at on Dec. 13, 2010. “This is the second time that the Office of the Surgeon General has misrepresented and distorted the science of … secondhand smoke. The press release which accompanied the Surgeon General’s 2006 report on secondhand smoke made the same false assertion,” he said.

Follow the money.

McCalla also cited the fact that, prior to her nomination as U.S. Surgeon General, Dr. Benjamin served as a trustee of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation which contributes tens of millions of dollars every year to promote smoking bans and fund anti-tobacco groups in the United States and internationally.

Why is this a potential conflict of interest?
"Because the foundation’s sister organization is Johnson & Johnson, maker of Nicorette, a nicotine replacement product,” he said.

White Christmas?

on Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Janice, our official computer model tells us we have a good chance of seeing a white Christmas this year!

Actually, she said:

Which apparently means:

Merry Christmas

Thanks to Ryan Hanrahan's blog "Way Too Much Weather"

Assange: "U.S. intends to prosecute me."

on Saturday, December 18, 2010
"I came to Sweden as a refugee publisher involved with an extraordinary publishing fight with the Pentagon, where people were being detained and there is an attempt to prosecute me for espionage," 
Assange said in an interview in the documentary, aired on Swedish public television.

He shouldn't live long enough, the United States should have this guy eliminated as soon as possible, and we should make no bones about it.

As it regards Army intelligence analyst Bradley Manning who is the suspect in leaking scores of classified documents to Assange; if found guilty of high treason he should be trotted out in front of a Firing Squad promptly.

Both events should be televised....."live" so to speak.

Why I feel so strongly the people that jeopardize 
the lives of our intelligence personnel should 
simply be dead.   

I attended 4 high schools in as many years and had no idea why my dad had suddenly become something of a job hopper; and didn't learn why until a full 20 years later when my father leveled with me.
He had traveled to Connecticut for my 3rd and final degree of FreeMasonry, and spoke to me at length the night I was raised as a Master Mason in 1987.

"Well Brother....let me tell you what I really did all my life.." he began.

I spent the next several hours gasping things like "what?"
In 1967 his cover had been compromised;  he had become a target.

I learned for the 1st time that my Dad had been an OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the predecessor to the CIA) agent during WWII, where he was placed behind lines in a German Officers uniform.
He was literally a Commando and spoke to me of the experience only that one night. He would acknowledge but otherwise evade any discussion about it for the rest of his life.
I had known he had worked on a handful of defense devices, but the details had been vague and rather uninteresting, I had no idea he was up to his neck in the business.

Neither of us were serious drinkers, but we finished the only bottle I had in the house, a fifth of Strega an Italian liqueur.

He had no interest in pursuing an undercover lifestyle and was mostly an R&D guy, designing among other things the 1st ceramic nosecone for the heat-seeking Sidewinder Missile in the early 1950's.
He later turned down a lot of money to work on the Cruise Missile as he found the device offensive (potential civilian targets) and was only interested in working on defense.
He'd had no pangs of conscience after killing those that killed civilians and wasn't about to become such a man himself.

Had those that had placed my father in mortal danger been eliminated it wouldn't have bothered me one bit; likewise for the two scumbags pictured above.

Joe Markley on the DPUC lawsuit

on Sunday, December 5, 2010
Connecticut State Senator-elect, Joe Markley discusses the suit he's filed against the Connecticut Department of Utility Control (DPUC).

Other stories about this:
Markley Files Lawsuit to Block Utility Tax Grab
Candidate Files Lawsuit Against ‘Sneaky Tax’
Markley files lawsuit against DPUC