Why Dick Blumenthal is losing this race

on Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ed Patru
Communications Director
Linda McMahon for Senate 2010

It’s Tuesday morning and momentum is in the air. One day after a Rasmussen poll showed Linda McMahon within five points of Dick Blumenthal, a just-released Quinnipiac poll shows Linda moving to within three points of the longtime Attorney General. Blumenthal’s campaign is expected to release internals today showing he leads Linda by 40 points.

Quinnipiac University Polling Institute reports that Linda, “propelled by Connecticut likely voters who say they are ‘angry’ with government,” has moved to within the margin of error and “now trails just 49 – 46 percent.”

Poll director Doug Schwartz sees undeniable momentum behind Linda:

With five weeks to go, the Connecticut Senate race is very close. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is ahead by only a statistically insignificant 3 points. Blumenthal has to be concerned about Linda McMahon's momentum. He can hear her footsteps as she closes in on him," said Quinnipiac University Poll Director Douglas Schwartz, PhD.

Blumenthal in January held what was seemingly an insurmountable 41-point lead:

Jan. 14
March 17
May 27
June 10
July 16
Aug. 4
Sept. 16
Sept. 28

Linda’s momentum in this race continues because she hasn’t deviated from her message of job creation since entering the race last September; on the other hand, Blumenthal has spent the last nine months running as though he’s campaigning for reelection to the office of Attorney General. He’s uncomfortable offering his support to Connecticut’s businesses, preferring instead to elaborate on his office’s latest lawsuit against Connecticut employers. After nearly four decades in government, he lacks a concrete record of job creation. To make matters worse, he seems wholly incapable of even explaining how jobs are created. He took a valiant stab at it earlier this year when he made the bizarre assertion that “our lawsuits, our legal actions, actually create jobs.”

He is finding himself forced to explain how his plan to raise taxes on small businesses will help create jobs. He is struggling to explain away his support for a national energy tax – legislation that even the President admits will cause electricity prices to “necessarily skyrocket”. As Kevin Rennie of dailyructions.com explains, Blumenthal is on unfamiliar ground:

Mr. Blumenthal has spent his long career in public life accusing, not explaining.

Of course, all of Blumenthal’s efforts to explain away his tax-and-spend policies are complicated by the fact that, increasingly, voters don’t trust him. He was untruthful about his military record. He misled voters about his PAC fundraising. He lied about a Vancouver fundraiser. And as recently as last week, he did it again, when he was caught on tape lying to a voter about his support for Cap-and-Trade – legislation that he personally lobbied the Senate to pass last year.

If Blumenthal’s response to voter anxiety is business-as-usual, his campaign seems equally tone deaf. In a late-night pre-response yesterday to today’s Quinnipiac poll, the campaign reacted predictably – completely out of touch with reality. CTNewsJunkie’s Christine Stuart reports:
Richard Blumenthal, the Democrat running for U.S. Senator Chris Dodd’s vacated seat, was trying to get a jump on tomorrow’s Quinnipiac University polls numbers by releasing some of his own. According to this memo from Greenberg, Quinlan, Rosner Research Group Blumenthal has a 12 point advantage over his Republican opponent, Linda McMahon. The poll of 606 residents was paid for by the Blumenthal campaign.

Some things never change.

Ed Patru

Ya' can't make this stuff up!

on Thursday, September 23, 2010
A Kennedy accuses someone else of being less than honest, which considering the family record is in itself a noteworthy event.

Ted Kennedy, Jr. claims his uncle didn't say what appears in the video below. (No mention of deserting 100's of commandos at the Bay of Pigs however.)   Read his entire letter here.

Some guy named George Jepson admits the obvious,
he's not Richard Blumenthal!

                    Of course not George, you're a 
                    cartoon  character!

Don't second guess the nation's Founders

on Saturday, September 11, 2010
We must not allow the horror of 9/11/2001 to change who we are.

Make no mistake - we're not about to excuse any of those involved with any attacks against civilians here in the United States, or anywhere else.

However, that for the past decade or so such attacks have been made by those whose common denominator appears  to be membership in a perverted version of  Islam should not mandate unbridled fear and loathing of all Muslims.

Such behavior amounts to the second guessing of the nations Founders and is therefore literally un-American.

Consider this, the overwhelming majority of Nazi's were Lutherans, that being the dominant denomination in Germany. Yet (thankfully) no one's ever referred to "Lutheran Terrorists."     

George Washington and the boys would not approve.

First Amendment as written:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

First Amendment as interpreted by bigots:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, except for Islam which shall be banned; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The above begs the question, "How should a Christian treat those of other or no belief?"

The answer is obvious.

Like a Christian.

Substitute "American" for "Christian" and the answer's largely the same; like a fellow American.

No good ever comes from treating others poorly, unless of course they've committed some treasonous act such as purchasing a new Toyota or something as there is no Constitutional protection regarding automobiles.