Chester 1st Selectman
Marsh has decided to run as an independent, while Newington Mayor
Wright chose to run instead for Treasurer. Those remaining?
Well they won't all be here in a couple of weeks.
Mark Boughton - a good man and pretty much everything he says about Danbury is true. There's little question that he's done a splendid job as mayor -
his city looks great too.
C. Duffy Acevedo - Seems primarily interested in promoting finance and mortgage reform. Acevedo is the author of the `
S.A.F.E. Act'.
R. Nelson (Oz) Griebel - Former banker, now business association president. Griebel has a superb record of civic and some political involvement; however
since 2006 has donated as much to Chris Dodd as he has to
all Republicans combined. One need not be ultra conservative nor overly politically thin skinned to find t
hat revelation disconcerting. Further,
Griebel seems prepared to accept further increasing revenues (read: `
more taxes') instead of cutting state spending.
Mike Fedele - Connecticut's current Lt. Governor. Fedele alone is truly both prepared for, and knowledgeable
as to what and where to cut immediately.
What amounts to
mere theory for other candidates is stone cold fact for Fedele; who like every Lt. Governor that's come before him has been nearly invisible for the past 4 years while he's been quietly taking notes.
In the 2010 race only Mike Fedele personifies the boot-strap work ethic of Horatio Alger.Born in Italy with English being his second language,
Fedele is our only gubernatorial candidate that offers the party an opportunity to meaningfully expand our base.In that regard
no other candidate offers anything what-so-ever.Consider this - 19% (700,000) of Connecticut citizens are of Italian descent (the highest percentage in the U.S.), of that half are registered with a party and of those a full 70% are Democrats.
Neither party has ever fielded an Italian male for the CT's highest office in a general election. I would put forth that the majority will support Mike Fedele and that his election will amount to a watershed event for the Connecticut Republican Party.
Tom Foley - a good and decent man, and a loyal Republican.
Foley's handshake is good too, that he keeps his word would be an understatement.
However, after 50 or 60 years of our opponents painting the Republican Party as nothing but rich white country club members, Foley appears to have come directly from central casting to fulfill that role.
A major Bush supporter and later appointee, Foley served our president and nation with distinction.
Our opponents won't see it that way and instead of running
for Governor they'll run
against George Bush; which in CT won't increase Foley's chances.
Should he win the nomination and go on to be victorious in the general election as well; Foley will undoubtedly become the subject of almost every political cartoon in every newspaper in the state for his entire term.
Larry DeNardis - Proposed an income tax while serving in the Connecticut Senate in 1971.