Nader to Speak Friday

on Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The man most responsible for the victory of George Bush in 2000 will appear in his native state later this week.

Winsted native Ralph Nader will speak in Thompson this Friday.

A Chevrolet Corvair rally is scheduled to follow, weather permitting.

9:15 AM Marianapolis Preparatory School

20 Chase Road, Thompson, CT 06277 (860) 923-9565

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Let's Play Obamopoly

on Sunday, February 21, 2010
Click on graphic for larger view.

The object of the game is to destroy American capitalism, and America itself, by having the government take over everything!

Want to play?

Too bad, you're already playing... and just don't know it.

By the way.. You're not winning!!!!

Et Tu CNN?

on Monday, February 15, 2010
Only MS/NBC remains totally in the tank.

Know Your Opponent

on Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Saturday February 6th, at an event in Vernon, Connecticut, Linda McMahon showed us exactly why Rob Simmons should win the Republican nomination and be our next Senator.

Speaking at the event, McMahon said the next Senator must have experience dealing with China and understanding the culture. True enough. But what experience does she have? In her own words: Setting up a World Wrestling Entertainment office in Shanghai.

Seriously; one would think one of her highly paid handlers might have mentioned to her that China in particular might not be a good topic to address considering......

Rob Simmons has the real experience.
He learned Chinese by serving as a CIA officer, living overseas while working on difficult and dangerous missions in East Asia in order to protect American security.

He later worked extensively on these issues as a leading expert in Congress.
He's dealt directly with our national security challenges as an intelligence officer and Colonel in the Army.

For those unfamiliar with just who Rob Simmons is,
here's a simple guide:

Legislators Ready To Repair Public Campaign Finance Law

on Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Connecticut Mirror reports:

Months after the state's public campaign finance system was struck down by the U.S. district court, the legislature's election committee shed some light on what their fix will include.

Read complete article here.