Posted by
7:48 PMon Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Note to my 6 or 7 regular readers:
While I am an "Authentic Connecticut Republican" and this blog is about Connecticut, I was born in Massachusetts. We need to help our neighbors to the north.
Please donate to State Senator Scott Brown, the Republican in the race running in the special election on January 19th for US Senate in Massachusetts. As a 30 year member of the National Guard, Scott Brown has traveled to Kazakhstan, Taiwan and Paraguay to meet with foreign government leaders.
Scott Brown will not need to call his sister for advice on foreign policy matters.
Scott Brown needs your financial support to build a strong movement in Massachusetts. With your help, we can win the special election on January 19th 2010.
This man's candidacy is more important than you might think.
Consider this:
Without the Republican Party, the entire free world is in jeopardy. To that end the Republican Party needs to recapture what we fought (and in some cases died) for all the way back to our Abolitionist roots.
Corey Brinson is a REAL Republican. In fact he's probably to my political right on several issues.
Further he's made out of the right stuff and has succeeded without any suburban advantages, like money, or even a dad who he lost at the tender age of 2.
Brinson has despite overwhelming odds, "winner" written all over him and has the track record to prove it.
Quite simply, Corey Brinson represents the finest this nation can produce and while he'll modestly tell you otherwise, he has accomplished much with little save for his unwavering faith in his Creator which gave Corey the inner strength to fight the good fight everyday and lo and behold look at the man he has become!
Brinson is one upright man worthy of anyone's respect, and Brinson is the candidate we must endorse.
Republicans are the oldest Civil Rights organization in the United States and it was THE REPUBLICAN PARTY that fought for and won Women's Suffrage, and make no mistake - the percentage of Republican votes passing the Civil Rights Act far exceeded the party of the KKK
The Democrats have brainwashed generations of minority members and painted the Republican Party to be guilty of exactly what the Democrats *are* guilty of!!!
It's quite incredible, but what's more amazing is that we've tolerated the lies, slurs and smears.
Republicans have let this happen because we haven't shouted down the lies when we should have literally assaulted those that dare to refer to *us* as racists or bigots.
White natural-born WASPy Republicans can not allow anyone to get away with smearing our party or our families proud Abolitionist histories anymore. I for one have had enough of it.
Without running qualified candidates of color we look ridiculous. Check out Corey's resume, his resume is longer than he is old.
We simply can not entertain other candidates for this nomination, should they appear they jeopardize the party's reclamation of our proud history, and considering those consequences isn't something any of us want to do.
Any Republican who fails to "get it" should be simply run out of the party. Better yet let's deport `em!
Any Republican who fails to recognize why it's imperative to help & support the Brinson campaign is too dense to deal with and should seek a mental health professional because they must surely be crazy.
Posted by
8:07 AMon Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I wish all 151 members of the Connecticut Assembly had even half the common sense, wits, sense of duty and class as State Rep. John Frey. A few do; most don't.
The voters in the 111th district evidently agree: In 2008, he received nearly 3,000 more votes than his opponent and garnered the most votes of any contested House candidates.
Thursday October 22nd, Frey will receive the coveted Fred Biebel Award. Representative Frey has earned it the old fashioned way - he works for his constituents in the 111th district, and the Republican Party (in that order) tirelessly. I follow Frey on Twitter @johnfrey and can attest that the man doesn't sit at home, quite the contrary he shows up all over and unless it's literally impossible, NEVER misses any sort of youth award events (IE: Eagle Scout ceremonies) as he recognizes the importance of encouraging and promoting our young people.
To that end; Frey has requested that young Republicans (any Republican under 30) be admitted at the reduced rate of only $50
Posted by
1:15 AMon Saturday, October 10, 2009
Don Pesci is a "real" writer as opposed to a political hack loose with a keyboard, such as myself. Don's so good people actually pay him to write! There's no danger of that happening to me.
The six or seven of you that make up my regular readers are already aware that I'm huge fan of Torrington, CT born, Abolitionist John Brown.
Justin's running in Connecticut's 5th district. Proven Service to the Country and Connecticut An intelligence officer in the Navy reserve, Justin served a tour in Afghanistan in 2007. He was awarded the Joint Service Commendation Medal for his service. After he returned to Connecticut, Governor M. Jodi Rell named Justin as Executive Director of the Office of Military Affairs. The state legislature unanimously confirmed him in early 2008. Follow Justin on Twitter!
Bryan Baker for Alderman (City of Waterbury, CT) "The most important thing is making sure that Waterbury has the best future possible."
To almost no ones surprise, many votes from a local Board of Aldermen, up to Congress are unanimous or nearly so. That's because most issues tend to not be left or right, but simply right or wrong.
We're all trying to get to Utopia! Further, even most of our political opponents want the best for their town, state and nation; we disagree on the route we'll take to get there - not the actual destination.
Honest people agree more often than those with their own agenda, or who have some personal motive which occasionally includes their own self-gain. Those who have slithered into public office seeking to feather their own nests so to speak.
Imagine a government, any government local, state or federal, filled with drop-dead straight office holders. A fantasy we'll grant you; but how else could we collectively steer our votes towards those individuals who we could logically expect to hold themselves and others to a higher standard?
When possible, elect those who have proven records of altruistic accomplishment; and never ever miss a chance to vote for an Eagle.