Another Blumenthal Blunder

on Monday, September 28, 2009

Legal News Line is reporting that AT&T has had enough of AG Blumenthal campaigning against their decision to reduce their workforce and now pointing out some serious inaccuracies in the AG's argument.

AT&T called Blumenthal's Wednesday statement regarding the company surplusing 75 Connecticut jobs "unfounded and already discredited." It also criticized Blumenthal for railing against a business deal, one which already has been made - nine years ago.

"Awash in money as it stands ready to spend $60 billion to purchase MediaOne, AT&T is hanging up on Connecticut families and consumers," Blumenthal said Wednesday.

AT&T spokesperson Walt Sharp said that is not accurate.

"MediaOne was, in fact, an acquisition by AT&T Corp., one of the predecessor companies of AT&T Inc. in 2000, or nine years ago. You can easily validate this on the Internet," he said.

"This information is totally bogus and it is laughable that the AG of the state of Connecticut would include such inaccurate information as an example of AT&T being 'particularly pernicious because the company is investing billions in new ventures.'

"This is a serious matter of jobs and the Connecticut economy. Having basic information like this wrong should impugn the credibility of everything that's said."

Perhaps Mr. Blumenhal should check his facts before launching his next campaign against job creating business in our state.

An introduction to Linda McMahon

on Thursday, September 24, 2009

"Interesting" choice of associates.

Chairman Healy Made Me Do It!

on Thursday, September 17, 2009
Connecticut Republican Party Chair Chris Healy surrounds himself with bright young talent and as result misses nothing. Not long ago he emphatically told state central members to get with the program and utilize the new media.

New Media
A term meant to encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information and communication technologies in the later part of the 20th century.

Dutifully I signed up on Twitter and Facebook.

Once on Twitter thought I'd look to see if any of my cousins were already there found none, but stumbled across James Hageman, a Lutheran Minister from Montana and began following his "tweets".

In messages of 140 characters or less I've gotten to know the man. He's fairly conservative with a good sense of humor, nice fellow.

He expressed dismay that he could not attend the Ashcroft event, graciously held in Cheshire at the home of Joe & Marilyn Bartoli so I thought I'd try to bring it to him.

With the help of Cheshire Town Council member, Tim White here's John Ashcroft and ACR the evening of September 17th 2009.

The entire evening was fabulous and this will not be the only post about it.
John Ashcroft's a self-effacing, humble, quick wit enjoyable man who I've held in high regard since before it was fashionable.
For many of us John Ashcroft is a rock star.
Lest anyone continue to labor under the delusion that Ashcroft ordered Justice Department statues covered (see poorly written USA Today article here) he did not. A staffer did, thinking she was making points, Ashcroft is too much a gentleman to embarrass a subordinate so he never uttered the truth. (He never told me that, but an `in-the-know' relative of his did.)

John Ashcroft to Visit Cheshire

on Friday, September 11, 2009
This Thursday

An authentic American patriot - such a patriot that in fact there's even an act named for him! The Patriot Act.
Yes - we're quite aware that there are those who exercise their 1st amendment rights criticizing the very Act that protected the nation so they could do so.

A huge supporter of an individuals' right to possess a firearm, the former Attorney Generals' position was ratified in last years Supreme Court decision; his stance had earlier driven the New York Times to distraction.

Well known singer.
Here Ashcroft is seen with fellow members of the legendary quartet,The Singing Senators.

Hat tip to Cheshire Town Councilman Tim White upon whose blog more information is available.

A special guest for a Cheshire GOP fundraiser this fall?

The event will be on Thursday evening, September 17th.

Should you be interested in attending this once in a lifetime event, please contact via email at:

After "Cash for Clunkers" comes ...

on Thursday, September 3, 2009

Click on graphic for full screen

How to properly execute campaign signs

on Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Get over it - they're not reading our junk mail

Print's out, because no one subscribes to most newspapers anymore.
So unless you're prepared to do a ton of television we'll have to get what marketing vehicles we can afford, right.

We can afford to do signs correctly - but most don't give it enough thought and thus fail miserably. 

It's time we realigned our campaign budgets.
  • Back off on junk mail.

  • Reduce the number of signs we buy.

  • Dramatically increase the caliber and sophistication of the signage we do place.

Here's a 7 minute video that will explain how to do it correctly.

Above is a WMV file mounted on Blogger, this link will take you to the Youtube version (it's "public" but won't show up in searches).

Note the bogus publish date; that's so the whole world is less likely to stumble on to this but we can send those that might find this useful a link without passwords etc.

The Government Can!