Not Quite "The Messiah"

on Friday, October 31, 2008

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Give Al Qaeda a Chance!

Japanese Car Owners.....
You've already sold out your own country

Why not finish the job?

It's time for Murtha to pack it in

on Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Murtha Race Tightens After 'Racist,' 'Redneck' Remarks

Rep. John Murtha finds himself in a statistical tie in his re-election bid as Western Pennsylvanians take issue with being called "racist" by their congressman.

Let's help western Pennsylvania elect Bill Russell!

“A staunch conservative, a true American patriot, and he (Bill Russell) deserves your support. If there were ever a time for the grass-roots to come together and help an underdog Republican candidate make a difference, this is it.”
– Syndicated Columnist Michelle Malkin on Bill Russell.

Donate Now!

Southington Deserves Better

on Thursday, October 2, 2008
We Have a Record to be Ashamed of

Here's a few of the votes the current member of Assembly District 81 made in the past two years alone!

Make no mistake, everyone says he's a "good guy" because in fact he is!

However, lest he find himself on the outs with his own party (which is not the Democratic Party of 20 years ago) and wind up in a primary and challenged from within as his colleague in Wolcott (80th district) did this year; he has to go along with a load of bad legislation.

The problem is - we're the ones paying for it.

Voted to tax veterans' pensions.

No Friend of the elderly
Voted to tax seniors' pensions

Apparently likes hardened criminals!
What the heck - let's give everyone another chance, and another, and another.....

Voted against "3 strikes and you are out" that will put career most horrendous criminals away forever.

Drug Dealers are Okay!
Voted to weaken crack-cocaine laws

It's Time for a Change!

Lousy Tipper?

on Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Are you cheap?

PA 08-113—sSB 55

Labor and Public Employees Committee

Government Administration and Elections Committee


SUMMARY: Effective January 1, 2009, this act increases the minimum wage tip credit for hotel and restaurant employers from 8. 2% to 11% for bartenders and from 29. 3% to 31% for service employees (e. g. , waiters and waitresses). The tip credit allows hotels and restaurants to pay service employees and bartenders, who customarily and regularly receive tips, less than minimum wage as long as tips make up the difference. Under the act, a hotel or restaurant can pay (1) a bartender 11% less than minimum wage and (2) a waiter or waitress 31% less than minimum wage.

EFFECTIVE DATE: October 1, 2008

Be a sport.

Step up or don't go out.

Coffee at a lunch counter (under $5) tip 50 - 60 %
Otherwise 25 - 30% or more if you don't drink as that drags your check average down.