John Brown's Body Must Be Spinning in the Grave

Less than 35% of Whites consider Blacks to be hard working?
I'm more than embarrassed by this.
Any Republican that isn't should I think, kill themselves..
...right away too!

That the accompanying article was written by a well known leftist and political bigot, AP's Ron Fournier, (who never met a Republican he liked) gives some solace as we can pray the entire piece is flawed - and indeed it might well be.
Consider the party's history:
The founding members freeing slaves via the
Underground Railroad.
The Civil War itself,
and of course
The Civil Rights Act
But now we've somehow attracted bigots to our midst?
Purging them from the party is not enough.
There is I believe, only one rightful place for racial bigots.
Torrington native, John Brown knew where that place was.
The grave.
We must leave bigotry where it was born.
The same place that gave us the party that brought genocide to the
North American continent, the party of Andrew Jackson,
The Democrats
Authentic Republicans know this is the truth; and we know what we must do.
Mass slaughter of bigots, while a happy thought, would be messy; so we must expose bigotry and bigots - and purge them from our midst.
This Just in from Pravda!
kind of figures doesn't it?

Source: http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/106354-palindevil-0
The candidate for the Vice Presidency of the United States of America, whose experience in small town politics, mothers´day dos and the local hockey club is her claim to fame, threatened to open the gates of Hell by attacking Russia in the event of another invasion of Georgia in a televised interview on ABC (shown today). One question for this self-opinionated upstart: Do you know what a nuclear holocaust is?
Sarah Palin, Mrs. Nobody know-it-all shreiking cow from Alaska, the joke of American politics, plied with a couple of vodkas before letting rip in front of incredulous audiences while McCain coos in the background, cuts a ridiculous figure as she strives to be taken seriously.
How can anyone whose husband is a member of the Alaska Independence Party and who is running for the Vice Presidency of the Union be taken seriously? How indeed can the Republican Party be taken seriously for not vetting this female, or have they not yet discovered the skeletons in her closet? We have.
So Sarah Palin, Mrs. Hockey Mom housewife-cum-small-town gossip merchant and cheap little guttersnipe, suppose you shut up and allowed real politicians and diplomats to do their work? Threatening Russia with a war is perhaps the most irresponsible thing anyone could do at this moment in time. Have you any idea what a nuclear holocaust is? Have you any notion of the power of Russia’s armed forces? Did you know that Russia has enough missiles to destroy any target anywhere on Earth in seconds?
And have you not forgotten, you pith-headed little bimbo from the back of beyond, that small detail about the slaughter of Russian citizens by Georgians, which started the whole debacle? So next time suppose you keep your mouth shut and while you’re at it, make sure the members of your family keep their legs shut too. Your country has enough failed mothers as it is.
Weird how the communists sound the same isn't it?
The above piece sounds like something one might stumble across at any of dozens of the white-trash lefty blogs; or even at their collective (pardon the pun) "offical site": http://cpusa.org/
What "National Health Care" Really Means
Posted by
6:41 PM

From THE SUN August 6, 2008
FILTHY hospital wards are crawling with rats, cockroaches, flies and maggots, it has been revealed.
Shock new figures show there were 20,000 separate infestations in just over two years.
Virtually every NHS trust in the country has been hit by the stomach-churning crisis.
And experts fear the legions of pests help spread infections in our hospitals — which are already battling superbugs such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile (C-diff).

RATS in maternity units;
COCKROACHES found on sick kids’ wards and a urology unit;
MAGGOTS in patients’ slippers and mortuaries;
WARDS “over-run” by mice and ants.
The crisis is so bad that 70 per cent of trusts had to call in pest exterminators 50 OR MORE times between January 2006 and March 2008.
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust alone recorded the most incidents.
Does the above give you reason to pause?
After all, the Brits have been at this national health care for 60 years now, you would think they'd have down to science by now.
Never-the-less; our friends on the left continue their chant Healthcare NOW!!
No sense in confusing them with facts, their feeble little minds are already made up.
A Heartbeat Away???
Just another worthless drunk.
God forbid, he ever gets a 3am phone call.......
"Wha??? Fug `em - hit wid a nuke and get back to me...."
Biden should be in rehab not on the ticket.

Thanks, and a tip of the hat to moonbattery.com
Had Enough of US?

By contrast - note the entirely different tone between these two covers.

Tired of the those that claim the media isn't biased towards the left?
Better yet - Tell their advertisers!
A Much Better Blog
Posted by
6:17 AM
I spend entirely too much time on the web.
Occasionally I'll stumble across a blog that strikes me as something I should share with the 5 or 6 of you that regularly visit this one.

I think you'll enjoy Moonbattery, and I suspect you might find GunBanObama
pretty interesting too! 
Even if you're not a defender of 2nd Amendment Rights - check #7 above.
Occasionally I'll stumble across a blog that strikes me as something I should share with the 5 or 6 of you that regularly visit this one.

pretty interesting too!

Even if you're not a defender of 2nd Amendment Rights - check #7 above.
Cowards Arrested

From The Everyday Republican

Biebel said that it wasn’t the worst he’s seen - saying 1968 was worse. After the altercation, he experienced shortness of breath and seemed to lose his color in the face. EMTs on the scene reviewed his condition and eventually allowed him to enter the Convention with the use of a wheelchair
From Fox (New York):

Members of the Connecticut delegation said they were attacked by protesters when they got off their bus near the Xcel Center, KMSP-TV reported. Delegate Rob Simmons told the station that a group of protesters came toward his delegation and tried to rip the credentials off their necks and sprayed them with a toxic substance that burned their eyes and stained their clothes.
One 80-year-old member of the delegation had to be treated for injuries, and several other delegates had to rinse their eyes and clothing, the station reported.

Our First Link to a Liberal Blog - Connecticut Bob
Most of the liberal blogesphere is inhabited by gutless wonders hiding behind goofy blog names and are quite unwilling to reveal their true identities under any circumstance.
With good reason!

Others are undoubtedly hiding from their respective probation officers.

Judging from their writing style or the topics they choose, some are either already in some sort of re-hab,or have apparently escaped from various institutes or half-way houses.
(Or have somehow gained internet access while still inside.)

Bob Adams is pretty good with Photo Shop, and as a result is more often than not, pretty funny even though he's always poking fun at the right.
Further, he posts under his own name.
Besides, did I mention he's usually pretty funny?
Thus as of today we're including a link to Connecticut Bob in our blog list to the right from the primary front page.
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