Southington Deserves it's own State Representative....AGAIN

on Monday, July 21, 2008
Southington's a great town; and deserves it's own State Representative.

Southington used to have one, then some carpetbagger showed up and out-spent the incumbent big time, did nothing for a couple of years and moved on.

We've had a placeholder ever since.

The current occupant doesn't return phone calls, and votes 100% with the United Auto Workers; so while the UAW has it's very own state rep. Southington doesn't.

Even then the current occupant fails to do his job.
When the state began purchasing hybrid cars including some non-union built imported units, the current occupant said and did nothing.

If he refuses to do anything for his puppet handlers without being told to do so, what can his constituents expect?

Exactly what they get:


Needed state highway projects, once moving along, have been left sitting at the DOT for eight years because Southington hasn't had a legitimate member of the general assembly - that is one that works.

Meanwhile the last legitimate member of the General Assembly from the 81st district has avoided getting behind any previous Republican challengers for the seat.....till now.

Here's Angelo Fusco behind Dan Banici.

Fusco on Banici:

"He is the type of fine young man that should be representing the town in the General Assembly.
Dan sounds like the spirit of Hamilton & Jefferson dwells within him.
He seems to express with concern, what many citizens have taken for granted for too long.
Southington needs someone to fight for the government it deserves to keep it a prosperous and viable community in the 21st century.

I am proud to call him a friend and see him as a true American Patriot."

Angelo Fusco

A car Benedict Arnold would drive

on Thursday, July 17, 2008

We have a balance of trade problem here in the United States.

It causes a weak dollar, which in turn adds to the cost of oil.

We can't do much today, right this very minute about how much oil we import, and the stuff we get from China is mostly cheap plastic that wouldn't be made here even if it wasn't made in China.

Besides, China's markets are open to us; Japan's are not.

Yet many of us buy Japanese products despite the fact that they block their markets to our exporters.
We should stop buying Japanese products until they open their markets.

That would strengthen the dollar, which would in turn lower what we pay for oil.

Think about that before you let a Toyota driver in traffic; remember he or she has already made it clear what they think of you, their neighbors, and this country.

Jesse Helms

on Friday, July 4, 2008
Compromise, hell!
If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

The man became iconic.
Jesse Helms died on Independence Day 2008.

Enemies of the American Revolution

Our forbearer's fought and died to rid this land of those that would oppress us.

Yet now we find ourselves populated with people that think,
"We have rules".

Speed limits are placed artificially low and the fines generated used as a form of revenue enhancement.

We've allowed the property rights of individual business owners to be trampled.

We can no longer drive our vehicles on many of our own beaches or elsewhere in federally controlled parks.
The rangers; too often young wanna-be punks with badges, race around on ATVs that technically we own on the very beaches we can no longer bring our elderly parents to, due to the imposed motor vehicle ban.

The time has come for us to recognize those that perpetrate the above to be viewed as who they are - The enemies of the American Revolution and as such the enemies of both liberty & everything America should stand for.

Barack Obama on the Second Amendment

on Thursday, July 3, 2008

Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.

Voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.

Endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.

Supports local gun bans in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and other cities.

Voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.

Opposes Right to Carry laws.