A new blog has recently appeared and has interesting and important content that might be difficult to find elsewhere. Election Journal
We've added a link to the right.
Here's some links to recent posts; be sure to visit the site itself, as it has interesting often humorous pictures as well as YouTube posts.
Pittsburgh - Court Issues Cease and Desist Order Against Intimidation of Obama Supporters
…there was a problem with one polling place in Homewood. That problem, inside the Bethesda Presbyterian Church, was serious enough to trigger a court order.
A constable working the polling place was allegedly not letting supporters of Obama inside to vote and ordering those there to leave. The court order for City Ward 13, District 8 told election officials there to “refrain from discouraging or prohibiting, in any way, any elector from entering the polling place.”
Obama Campaign Director Charged in Assault of Election Judge
Esther Morales, southwest Texas campaign director for the Barack Obama campaign, was charged with third degree felony assault on a public servant, Tuesday (March 4). Justice of the Peace Aaron Rodriguez read Morales her rights and described her charges following the arrest at about 7:45 p.m. by officers of the Del Rio Police Department at the church hall, 510 Wernett St. in the Chihuahua neighborhood, south Del Rio.
Morales allegedly struck election judge Al Cervantes when he refused to allow voters to enter the polling place who were not in the proper line when polls closed at 7:15 p.m.
About Election Journal
If an election is worth winning, then there is someone willing to steal it.
There has been vote fraud since there have been elections. The first available evidence of vote fraud dates back to 471 BC. An archaeological expedition discovered 190 Athenian “ostrakons” (pieces of broken pottery used as ballots) filled out by only 14 different handwritings.
Vote fraud transcends party lines, international borders and appears in many different forms; vote buying, intimidation, tampering, forgery, absentee ballot, impersonation, petition, violence, registration…….
With hundreds of millions of dollars being invested by political parties, campaigns, 527’s and third parties, the 2008 election is one worth winning. There will be those trying to steal it. High turnout, regulatory changes, machine issues and a lack of election official training will add to the chaos.
Electionjournal.org is an online community dedicated to raising public awareness of vote fraud and election irregularities. We encourage you to join the community, post comments often and share your stories.
Election Journal will be in the field on election day using new media technologies to document and report in real time as the democratic process plays out.
2008 should be a wild ride…stay tuned!
“Voting should be easy, cheating should be hard”
Michael P. Botelho & The March of Dimes
Let's get behind Mike!
Among the members of the Connecticut Republican State Central Committee is a straight-arrow egghead type named Mike Botelho.
Mike doesn't say much.
He's one of those deep thinker sort of fellows who uses words precisely and sparingly.
The party recently released a statement of core principles; several of us served on the committee to write it; and while all of our collective input is present in the document, Mike actually wrote it.
Last week Mike sent several of us a letter, which included the following:
"As many of you know, I am a member of the Board of Directors of the March of Dimes. March of Dimes is once again gearing up for its largest fundraising event of the year - "March for Babies" (formerly known as "WalkAmerica") to be held in April. This event raises money to help all babies get a healthy start in life. The proceeds generated from the walk will be used to support research and programs to combat birth defects, prematurity and infant mortality.
As someone whose family suffered through a difficult pregnancy with my eldest son, I feel very strongly about this worthwhile cause.
That is why I am asking for your help. My firm will once again be sponsoring a team for the Greater Hartford walk on April 27th. The walk will begin at the XL Center (formerly the Hartford Civic Center). Registration begins at 9 am and the walk starts at 10 am. The walk is 4 miles long. Walkers are asked to get friends, family and others to sponsor them."
We can support The March of Dimes, and straight-arrow Mike by clicking below:
Among the members of the Connecticut Republican State Central Committee is a straight-arrow egghead type named Mike Botelho.
Mike doesn't say much.
He's one of those deep thinker sort of fellows who uses words precisely and sparingly.
The party recently released a statement of core principles; several of us served on the committee to write it; and while all of our collective input is present in the document, Mike actually wrote it.
Last week Mike sent several of us a letter, which included the following:
"As many of you know, I am a member of the Board of Directors of the March of Dimes. March of Dimes is once again gearing up for its largest fundraising event of the year - "March for Babies" (formerly known as "WalkAmerica") to be held in April. This event raises money to help all babies get a healthy start in life. The proceeds generated from the walk will be used to support research and programs to combat birth defects, prematurity and infant mortality.
As someone whose family suffered through a difficult pregnancy with my eldest son, I feel very strongly about this worthwhile cause.
That is why I am asking for your help. My firm will once again be sponsoring a team for the Greater Hartford walk on April 27th. The walk will begin at the XL Center (formerly the Hartford Civic Center). Registration begins at 9 am and the walk starts at 10 am. The walk is 4 miles long. Walkers are asked to get friends, family and others to sponsor them."
We can support The March of Dimes, and straight-arrow Mike by clicking below:
Denmark's confused
This post will offend both feminists and attorneys......but it's funny so I posted it anyway.

"We in Denmark cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election.
On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer.
On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with a huge chest who owns a beer distributorship.
Is there a contest here?"
This post will offend both feminists and attorneys......but it's funny so I posted it anyway.

"We in Denmark cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election.
On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer, and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawyer.
On the other side, you have a true war hero married to a woman with a huge chest who owns a beer distributorship.
Is there a contest here?"
Where did your money go?
A look at wealth redistribution.
Where does the dough go?

Interesting stuff here:
The U.S. Census Bureau maintains a website with loads of data, including per-capita income by town.
Here you'll find that Greenwich, CT enjoys a per-capita income level of $74,346
ACR came across other data as well; like the fact that Greenwich generated a total of $581,663,817 in state revenue (income plus sales/use tax) and received in state spending only $6,248,579 for a deficit of -$575,415,238.
This means for every dollar Greenwich paid into the state, they got back one cent
We used Greenwich as the example as that town got the worst deal, or lowest return on their "investment" in the state.
To see all 169 cities and towns, you can view the entire spreadsheet here. I was lucky enough to get my friend Steve Coppage over at southington.com to post the whole sheet.
Thanks to Connecticut Republican State Central member, Sean Murphy for the data this post is based on.
Where does the dough go?

Interesting stuff here:
The U.S. Census Bureau maintains a website with loads of data, including per-capita income by town.
Here you'll find that Greenwich, CT enjoys a per-capita income level of $74,346
ACR came across other data as well; like the fact that Greenwich generated a total of $581,663,817 in state revenue (income plus sales/use tax) and received in state spending only $6,248,579 for a deficit of -$575,415,238.
This means for every dollar Greenwich paid into the state, they got back one cent
We used Greenwich as the example as that town got the worst deal, or lowest return on their "investment" in the state.
To see all 169 cities and towns, you can view the entire spreadsheet here. I was lucky enough to get my friend Steve Coppage over at southington.com to post the whole sheet.
Thanks to Connecticut Republican State Central member, Sean Murphy for the data this post is based on.
Angelo Fusco on Cappiello in the Fifth District
There is no question, Republicans need to provide a contrast to Murphy.
Murphy and Cappiello are essentially two peas in a pod politically. … We’re going to have to choose between a real Republican and a liberal who if elected will be more of the same.
Angelo Fusco
Former Southington Representative (R/81)
ACR has known Angelo well for over 30 years - Fusco is unquestionably an Authentic Connecticut Republican
Murphy and Cappiello are essentially two peas in a pod politically. … We’re going to have to choose between a real Republican and a liberal who if elected will be more of the same.
Angelo Fusco
Former Southington Representative (R/81)
ACR has known Angelo well for over 30 years - Fusco is unquestionably an Authentic Connecticut Republican
Be careful what you pray for!
1 Chronicles 4:9-10
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory,....."
Taken from what is commonly referred to as The Prayer of Jabez; the above was the subject of a best selling book which became quite popular within the Christian community a few years ago.
Praying is apparently a little like handling a firearm - one should always assume it's loaded rather than suffering an accidental discharge.
I'm employed by a consumer products company, I call on retailers (if there's a lottery machine present, chances are so are some of our products) throughout a defined geographic sales territory.
Here's my newly enlarged territory
And that my friends is why I drive in excess of 500 miles per-week.
"Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory,....."
Taken from what is commonly referred to as The Prayer of Jabez; the above was the subject of a best selling book which became quite popular within the Christian community a few years ago.
Praying is apparently a little like handling a firearm - one should always assume it's loaded rather than suffering an accidental discharge.
I'm employed by a consumer products company, I call on retailers (if there's a lottery machine present, chances are so are some of our products) throughout a defined geographic sales territory.
Here's my newly enlarged territory

Thank You - Charlton Heston

Charlton Heston receiving Presidential Medal of Freedom from President George W. Bush at White House ceremony.

At a 2000 NRA rally in Charlotte, Heston declared the presidential race a referendum on gun-control legislation and criticized Democratic candidate Al Gore. Holding aloft a Revolutionary War rifle, Heston said,
"When the loss of liberty looms as it does now, this is for those who would take it -- and especially for you, Mr. Gore -- from my -- cold -- dead -- hands!"
That year, Jeb Bush, the Florida governor, and other Republican Party leaders credited Heston with energizing the GOP base for electoral victories.
Second Amendment Canceled

ACR received an email containing the following, your comments on this insanity are quite welcome.
Clearly James Cetran, the Chief of Police in Wethersfield deserves a tip of the hat.
James Cetran
Chief of Police
Wethersfield Police Department
250 Silas Deane Highway
Wethersfield, CT 06109
February 26, 2008
Chief Kevin Hale
President Connecticut Police Chief's Association
Ansonia Police Department
2 Elm Street
Ansonia, CT 06401
Dear Chief Hale,
I want to- relay to you a sequence of events that happened to me that may affect all police chiefs in the State of Connecticut.
On May 17, 2007 I issued a temporary State firearms permit to a twenty-nine year old local resident. This local resident is the son of a former police sergeant who retired from this department in 1995. I have known this young man since the day he was born. As a chief, I take this responsibility very seriously. I felt fortunate here because I knew this young man. He is very good citizen, very respectful, and has never been in trouble with the law.
On June 21, 2007 the young man was arrested by members of the Glastonbury Police Department. He is the manager of liquor store owned by his older brother in Glastonbury. It was late on a warm Saturday night when he left work and he decided to get a take-out order from Chili's before, heading home. He was,wearing baggy camouflaged pants and a tank top when he walked into the isolated take-out area of Chili's. He sat on a bench and was talking with an older woman waiting for his food to be prepared. An employee of the restaurant must have walked by and saw the outline of his handgun through his tank top and told the manager. The manager called the police and three- officers responded, including a sergeant. Even though the young man had a valid regular State firearms permit, the decision was made arrest to him for Breach of Peace.
On July 20, 2007 Judge Raymond Norko dismissed the Glastonbury arrest from court and ordered that the young man get his State permit returned to him. He went to Glastonbury Police Department with the order and was told that the permit had been sent to the State Police Firearm's Unit. The State Police Firearm's Unit refused to return the permit saying that the matter has to go before the Board of Firearms Permit Examiners and the Board will decide whether he gets the permit returned. The scheduled date for the Board's hearing is May 14, 2009, twenty-two months from the date of the judge's order to return it.
On January 25, 2008 I received a new application for a -temporary State permit from the young man. I am looking at the same application that I approved back in May 2007 except for one thing. There is a box on the back page of the application that asks if the applicant has had a firearms permit revoked from any jurisdiction. This box is checked. I really did not want to get involved with the young man's problems with the State. We have had a great working relationship with the State Police in general and with the Firearms Unit in particular for as long as I have been a police officer here, thirty-three years. I called the Firearms Unit and asked one of the detectives there what statute I could quote saying that the law dictates that I cannot issue a temporary State permit while the regular State permit is revoked. I was told that there is no statute, no rule, nor any written policy. I called our municipal attorney and was told the same thing. I called Lieutenant Alaric Fox, a ranking officer in the Firearms Unit and an attorney and asked him the same question. Again, I was told that there is no law, no rule, nor any written policy. Lieutenant Fox suggested that I do not issue the temporary permit. My next question was, "Why? What do I use for a reason to reject this new application? Is there something else here that I am not aware of that I can point to, to justify my rejection?" He answered that there was nothing more than the Glastonbury arrest, an arrest that was dismissed by a Superior Court judge.
I then asked the detective I have assigned to firearms permits to investigate the background of the young man in question again to find out if there is any legitimate reason to reject the new application. The report I received back included numerous items of information, including the arrest report from Glastonbury, but nothing new to cause me to think any differently than I did in 2007. Based on all this information, I believed that the best course of action for this police department, was to issue the temporary State permit and I did so on February 4, 2008.
I truly believe the State Legislature gave the authority to the local Chiefs of. Police to conduct the initial part of the process for firearms permits because the chief would probably have a better understanding of the suitability of the persons from his or her jurisdiction who apply. It is not necessarily just people with criminal records who should not get a permit. There are people with no criminal records who should never be given a permit to carry a handgun. There is no way the State could have that much insight, so the Legislature left the initial determination with the local Chiefs of Police. Prior to this situation, I would never have second guessed another police department or police officer's decision to make an arrest. I was not there and was not privy to the little nuances that occur in situations.
However, now I have to. I have read the Glastonbury report and I personally. know the young man in question. I would not have arrested someone who did not intentionally cause alarm and had a valid firearms permit. There is no part of the statutes concerning firearms that says the weapon must be concealed. Taking the arrest out of the equation, clearly dictates that there are no suitability issues and I should in all fairness issue the temporary State permit.
On February 20, 2008 the young man in question received a certified letter from the Firearms Unit advising him the temporary State permit that I had issued on February 4th was revoked. He had not approached the unit to obtain a regular State permit and we had not even sent the State's copy in yet. I was not notified by call or letter. My question is what give's the Firearms Unit the authority to revoke a permit I, as Chief of Police, issued? I think this situation could affect all Chiefs of Police throughout the State. Please let me know what you think.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in this matter. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me at (860) 721-XXXX.
Very truly yours,
James Cetran Chief of Police Wethersfield Police Department
250 Silas Deane Highway, Wethersfield, CT 06109
Obama For President
ACR has come to the conclusion that without the revenues tobacco affords both state & federal government, our government would collapse under it's own weight.
It's an employment issue
Further, the profits cigarettes bring to the convenience store industry, result in jobs, which in turn allows mortgages, and college tuition to be paid.
It's a health issue
Tobacco is important to the overall health and well being of our economy and must be protected at all cost so as to preserve our way of life in these United States.
It's the patriotic thing to do.

To that end the only person running who is truly qualified to protect our American way of life is Barack Obama
It's an employment issue
Further, the profits cigarettes bring to the convenience store industry, result in jobs, which in turn allows mortgages, and college tuition to be paid.
It's a health issue
Tobacco is important to the overall health and well being of our economy and must be protected at all cost so as to preserve our way of life in these United States.
It's the patriotic thing to do.

To that end the only person running who is truly qualified to protect our American way of life is Barack Obama
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