The hypocrisy of the left

on Sunday, October 29, 2006
According to those on the Left, we need jobs, and good paying ones at that - what we really need is, union jobs! (Never mind that unemployment is at record lows and that employers currently have trouble finding job candidates at all.)

Indeed, the unions are so concerned about their declining membership that they're fielding their own candidates, and when that's not possible funding others heavily enough to assure themselves not of influence but of outright ownership.

Take State Representative Joe Aresimowicz for example.
Joe's just finishing his first and probably only term representing the 30th assembly seat in Berlin & Southington. Aresimowicz not only has heavy union backing, he's a full time union employee too, working as "an organizer" (read: enforcer (ie: thug)).

ACR's gone by the headquarters used by Aresimowicz repeatedly and noticed the car in the parking lot most everytime.

Notice it's not a union made automobile.

Courant Finally Shows True Colors

on Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday 10/22/2006 the Hartford Courant finally admitted on it's editorial page just who they are.

Even those of us that thought they might be a little un-American were surprised to see that we had so badly underestimated them - they're not un-American they're quite clearly anti-American!