The Passing of a Good and Decent Man

on Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Gerald R. Ford July 14, 1913 - December 26, 2006

Thirty-eighth President of the United States of America 1974-1977
Master Mason
EA Sep. 30, 1949, Malta Lodge #465, Grand Rapids, Michigan, courtesy FC & MM Columbia Lodge #3, Washington, D.C., Apr. 20 & May 18, 1951


Initiated: September 30, 1949, Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan, along with his half-brothers Thomas Gardner Ford (1918-1995), Richard Addison Ford (1924-) and James Francis Ford (1927- ). The Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degrees were Conferred by Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951, as a courtesy to Malta Lodge. Brother Ford was made a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and Honorary Member, Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Northern Jurisdiction at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia, on September 26, 1962, for which he served as Exemplar (Representative) for his Class. Brother and President Ford was unanimously elected an Active Member of the International Supreme Council, Order of DeMolay and its Honorary Grand Master, at its Annual Session held at Orlando, Florida, April 6-9, 1975; Brother Ford held this post until January 1977, at which time he became a Past Honorary Grand Master, receiving his Collar and Jewel on October 24, 1978 in Topeka, Kansas, from the Hon. Thomas C. Raum, Jr., Grand Master, Order of DeMolay.

Riled Rell reacts (rightfully) to DPUC action

on Saturday, December 16, 2006


December 15, 2006

Statement of Governor M. Jodi Rell on DPUC Decision

to Grant United Illuminating Co. Rate Increase Request

Governor M. Jodi Rell today released the following statement following the Department of Public Utility Control’s decision to proceed with rate increases for United Illuminating Co., beginning January 1, 2007:

“This decision, especially when coupled with the decision last week to grant rate increases for Connecticut Light & Power Co., is an incredibly disappointing and – worse – unnecessarily frustrating blow to residential and business ratepayers in our state.

“My request for a few months of working room to find ways to help alleviate this problem – a request that just this week was reinforced by legislative leaders – could easily have been granted. While recognizing the importance of power contracts that have been signed we must also recognize the immense pressures these increases are placing on the families and employers of Connecticut. Their burdens only continue to grow.

“The challenge before the Legislature, the Executive Branch, regulators and the power industry is painfully clear. The problem cannot be allowed to linger – all the less so because of decisions like today’s.”

Happy Thanksgiving!

on Wednesday, November 22, 2006
The Mayflower Compact

"In ye name of God, Amen. We whose names are underwritten, the loyall subjects of our dread soveraigne Lord, King James, by the grace of God, of Great Britaine, Franc, and Ireland king, defender of the faith, etc.

Haveing undertaken, for ye glorie of God, and advancemente of ye Christian faith, and honour of our king & countrie, a voyage to plant ye first colonie in ye Northerne parts of Virginia, doe by these presents solemnly & mutualy in ye presence of God, and one of another, covenant & combine our selves togeather into a civill body politick, for our better ordering & preservation & furtherance of ye ends aforesaid; and by vertue hearof to enacte lawes, ordinances, acts constitutions, & offices, from time to time, as shall be thought most meet & convenient for ye generall good of ye Colonie, unto which we promise all due submission and obedience. In witnes wherof we have hereunder subscribed our names at Cap-Codd ye 11th. of November, in ye year of ye raigne of our soveraigne lord, King James, of England, France, & Ireland ye eighteenth, and of Scotland, ye fiftie fourth. Ano: Dom. 1620."

John Carver Edward Tilly Digery Priest

William Bradford John Tilly Thomas Williams

Edward Winslow Francis Cooke Gilbert Winslow

William Brewster Thomas Rogers Edmund Margeson

Isaac Allerton Thomas Tinker Peter Brown

Miles Standish John Rigdale Richard Bitteridge

John Alden Edward Fuller George Soule

Samuel Fuller John Turner Richard Clark

Christopher Martin Francis Eaton William Mullins

James Chilton John Allerton William White

John Craxton Thomas English Richard Warren

John Billington Edward Doten John Howland

Moses Fletcher Edward Leister Stephen Hopkins

John Goodman Richard Gardiner

The NRA Blew It

on Tuesday, November 14, 2006
There is no more pro firearm rights citizen in America than Edward Pocock III (refered to fondly by locals as "E3").

Eddie fought to get the NRA's Eddie Eagle safety program into Southington Schools during his service on the Board of Ed. Would a few more of our youth be alive today had his uninformed opponents not blocked this worthwhile program? Bet on it. Those that fought Eddie undoubtedly have blood on their hands.

Eddie founded the Southington Police Rifle Team and led them to more victories than any other such team in the world.

Below is a photo of Eddie's license plate.

Who did the NRA back?

The other guy.

With friends like that who needs enemies?

Famous Duck to "speak" for Democratic Candidate

on Wednesday, November 1, 2006
"Ben" the famous duck in Aflac commericals will appear in New Britain on Friday November 3rd at CCSU.

I've no idea what the point in having a duck campaign at a college where most students are either not registered to vote at all or are at their home addresses which are usually not in CT's 5th district.

One can only imagine what the Democratic Candidate promised the duck; but if he sticks to his usual persona the duck can expect to be eaten by days end.

A sad end to a famous duck.

The hypocrisy of the left

on Sunday, October 29, 2006
According to those on the Left, we need jobs, and good paying ones at that - what we really need is, union jobs! (Never mind that unemployment is at record lows and that employers currently have trouble finding job candidates at all.)

Indeed, the unions are so concerned about their declining membership that they're fielding their own candidates, and when that's not possible funding others heavily enough to assure themselves not of influence but of outright ownership.

Take State Representative Joe Aresimowicz for example.
Joe's just finishing his first and probably only term representing the 30th assembly seat in Berlin & Southington. Aresimowicz not only has heavy union backing, he's a full time union employee too, working as "an organizer" (read: enforcer (ie: thug)).

ACR's gone by the headquarters used by Aresimowicz repeatedly and noticed the car in the parking lot most everytime.

Notice it's not a union made automobile.

Courant Finally Shows True Colors

on Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday 10/22/2006 the Hartford Courant finally admitted on it's editorial page just who they are.

Even those of us that thought they might be a little un-American were surprised to see that we had so badly underestimated them - they're not un-American they're quite clearly anti-American!

Chris Oliveira

on Saturday, September 9, 2006
Who's that attractive woman there with Chris Oliveira you ask?

Governor Jodi Rell of course, she knows who she wants to help her in the Connecticut Senate and in the 20th district that's Chris.

Of the 72 of us on GOP state central, Chris easily has the highest IQ by at least 20 points - the man is bright and while unusual for an egghead, he's witty to boot. Most would agree that the combination of brains and humor tend to lead to success. That should translate to a superior voice in the Connecticut Senate for the residents of the 20th district.

Like Sam Caligiuri, he's as straight as a Nevada highway, and one of Sam's few intellectual equals.

Another well read blog; Connecticut Local Politics has an interesting piece on Chris this week.

Where is the 1st district Republican candidate for congress?

on Monday, September 4, 2006
Seems that since the IRS began investigating MacLeans use of a tax exempt church parsonage and the SEEC (State Elections Enforcement Commission) began to look into his address irregularities (no-doubt in his attempt to conceal his actual address from the IRS) ; he's completely disappeared! Let's review:

October 2004 MacLean obtains a CT drivers license using 3 Hartland Blvd, New Hartford as his address. This is in fact his correct, real address. It is however illegal to operate a campaign out of a church owned tax exempt property making his next move quite logical, if he hadn't been caught at it anyway.

August 2005 MacLean addresses members of GOP state central as "fellow Republicans" while not yet even registered to vote. (Thus, the "truth" campaign begins with a lie.)

Sept. 2005 MacLean registers to vote in Hartland using 9 Granville Road as his address. Problem is there is no such address in Hartland.

CT statutes call this a felony.

MacLean has since issued loads of nonsense calling it all a mistake; but it's clear the guy's as obviously guilty as an armed robber caught on video.

Will the SEEC move in time to allow the vacancy committee to act and place a legal candidate in place?

Will the state prosecute as they should?

Why has the Secretary of State's office done nothing? (Business as usual for them?)

Stay tuned.


on Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Are you incredibly dense?

Do you see your name or discription here or do you see humor?

Vacancy expected at Republican National Committee

on Monday, August 28, 2006
From the Hartford Courant

President Bush reached into Greenwich for a fifth time during his presidency for a diplomatic appointment yesterday, nominating investment banker Charles Glazer as ambassador to El Salvador.

This will create a vacancy for the Connecticut GOP.

Currently there are two announced candidates:
One is both a lobbyist as well as a current member of GOP state central,
the other is
Republican State Representative John Frey

Many members and other Republicans I've spoken to have expressed concern over the appearance of elevating a lobbyist to such a position.

What do you think?

Primary Results

on Wednesday, August 9, 2006
The GOP "won" both statewide Democratic primaries, in fact it's rumored that we're sending Jodi on a much overdue vacation. She'll return in time to vote in November.
We recommend that voters with any questions take a tour of New Haven anytime of the day or night. (Beruit might well be a safer place so be sure to lock your doors.)

My candidate got clobbered however so it's doubtful that we'll be showing any gains in the Hispanic minority area this cycle.

We spent the evening in a Cuban restaurant on Frankin Ave in Hartford where there were also a large number of Democratic CT state employees. They clearly adored Miriam but assured me that my party would reject her because she was Spanish and that rejection was, they explained exactly why they were Democrats.

Unfortunately it looks like they were right.

MacLean, Scott GOP 1,988 63.21
Masullo, Miriam GOP 1,157 36.79

Interestingly, our biggest loss was in Bristol where if you recall 2 decades or so ago there was a fairly substantial KKK movement.

I'm embarassed for my party and to the disloyalty we showed last night to it's Abolishionist founders.

Jodi Rell - The Enviornmental Governor

on Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Governor Rell, In Ceremony, Signs Brownfields Bill

In a ceremony in Waterbury today, Governor M. Jodi Rell signed a bill establishing an office to help towns identify, clean up, and redevelop brownfield sites. A brownfield is an economically underutilized parcel of land that sits unused due to complications with contamination, blight, or other environmental issues.

The law establishes a “one-stop shop,” for property owners and potential property owners to facilitate compliance with state and federal clean up requirements and qualification for state funds. It sets up an office within the Department of Economic and Community Development called the Office of Brownfield Remediation and Development, and creates a task force to develop long-term solutions for cleaning up and redeveloping brownfields. The task force must report its findings and recommendations to the Environment and Commerce committees by January 1.

“I know how important brownfield redevelopment is to this city and its future,” Governor Rell said during the ceremony at the Virjune Manufacturing brownfield site on Chapel Street in Waterbury. “There are hundreds of brownfield sites in Waterbury, and they present a critical barrier to business growth in the city. There is a lack of space available for business expansion.

“We have brownfields all over our state. It is important for future generations that we redevelop brownfields instead of developing pristine open space and farmland.

“Fear of environmental liabilities has deterred investors from buying and remediating available land. This new law addresses that fear.”

The law provides various regulatory and financial incentives for parties that clean up and protects these parties from liability if they acquire a contaminated site from a town or its development agency. It also sets conditions under which the owners of existing manufacturing facilities qualify for clean up dollars.

“This law gives us another tool to promote brownfield cleanup activities and removes barriers that stand in the way of redevelopment,” Governor Rell said. “This progress is just the beginning: We will continue to do all we can to streamline the clean up process. Cities like Bridgeport and Waterbury have made their voices heard.”

More information can be found at .

Scott MacLean is in fact anti-gun and no Republican

on Sunday, July 16, 2006
Following in order is the exhange between Scott MacLean and Doug Hageman.

Doug's a member of Republican State Central

Note that in his reply to Doug, MacLean does in fact say:
"... am in favor of enacting handgun control legislation.."

It interesting to also note that MacLean (the "truth" campaign) wasn't even registered to vote until after this entire exchange.

1st Congressional District Candidate
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 07:42:40 -0400

Dear Fellow Republicans:

The folks at the CT Republican Office in Hartford were kind enough to give me your name and e-mail address because I wanted to contact all the Chairpersons from the various Republican town committees in the 1st Congressional District, the State Central Committee members, Mayors and Selectmen.

My name is Scott MacLean, I live in East Hartland and I am seriously considering a run for the 1st Congressional District Seat in Congress. I think John Larson is beatable so I am asking for your help in setting up my campaign organization. Since I am just beginning this process, I need to fill every position on the campaign staff, from Treasurer to Campaign Manager to Web Guru; everything.

I realize that you folks are gearing up for your local races in November but I cannot afford to wait until 2006 to set this campaign in motion and I wanted to get started as soon as most people got back from their August vacations.

I have scheduled the first meeting of my exploratory committee for Sunday, September 11th at 12:30 pm. If you know of anyone who would like to participate in a Congressional Campaign, could you please forward this e-mail to them as my invitation to join us.

Let me tell you a bit about myself. I will be running as a Progressive Republican. I chose this general description for my position because it is a throwback to Theodore Roosevelt’s brand of Republican activism. The Progressive’s of his era were both Middle Class and middle ground which is a pretty good description of many Republicans here in New England. I am more Conservative on fiscal issues than the Democrats and yet I am more Progressive on social issues than many Republicans, especially the Republicans from the West and Midwest.

I bring to this campaign my experience from two distinct careers. I am currently the early morning Newscast Director at WFSB-TV, Channel 3. Over twenty years of experience in television news has given me a great perspective on the issues. But I also got away from TV for many years when I decided to go to theological seminary. So I am also an Ordained Minster in the United Church of Christ (also known as the Congregational Church) and for ten years I was the Pastor of a church. So if Values and Principles are important to Americans (and the polls show, they are) then I am well equipped to run a Values/Principles based campaign and take on the Democrats who aren’t quite sure what they believe in. And since my theological beliefs are of the “big tent,” inclusive variety, I hope to bring together an eclectic mix of Conservative and Progressive Republicans, Independents, African-American Protestants and Reagan Democrats. I think it’s a winning combination.

Since East Hartland is in the Northwest Corner of the 1st Congressional District and somewhat of a drive for many people, my hope is to move towards an Internet based campaign organization which won’t be limited by time or distance issues. But until that web based system gets set up (an immediate priority) we will have to have our meetings face to face.


The good folks from the First Church in Hartland-Congregational (my home church) have graciously let me use the Parish Hall for campaign meetings. It is located at the intersection of Rt. 20 and Rt. 179 in the center of East Hartland, right across the street from the church itself. For those of you who want to print out a map from Map Quest, the actual address is 5 Hartland Blvd., East Hartland, CT.

From the East: take Interstate 91 to Rt. 20 West. Follow Rt. 20 past Bradley Airport, thru Granby and into East Hartland. The Church will be on your right, Parish Hall on your left, about 50 yards before the intersection of Rt. 20 and Rt. 179.

From the South: take Rt. 202 or Rt. 44 to Rt. 179 North and into East Hartland. Take a Right on Rt. 20 and the Church is on your Left, Parish Hall on your Right, about 50 yards from the intersection of 179/20.

From the West: take Rt. 8 to Rt. 20 East and into East Hartland. Rt. 20 makes a hard left turn at the intersection with Rt. 179. The Church will be on your left, parish hall on your Right, about 50 yards East of the intersection of 20/179.

My phone number is: 860-653-3072.

My address is: P.O. Box 82, East Hartland, CT 06027.

My e-mail address is:

Again, that first meeting to set up my campaign organization (exploratory campaign) will be: September 11th, at 12:30 pm. Location: 5 Hartland Blvd, East Hartland, CT in the Parish Hall of the First Church in Hartland - Congregational.

Thanks for all your help; I appreciate it!

Hope to see you there.


The Reverend Scott G. MacLean

Hageman's reply:

To: Scott G. MacLean
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2005 10:28 PM

Rev. MacLean -

Nice to hear from and you sound fine to me, save for one area:

>>.... .. United Church of Christ (also known as the Congregational Church) and .....

Which as a former (10+ generations) Congregationalist makes me a little nervous; where are you regarding the Second Ammendment? (After the UCC donated 50,000 to Sarah Brady as a speaking honorarium, I changed churches.)

I'm hoping you're in agreement with Rob Simmons on most issues.

Thank you for your time.

-Doug Hageman

16th District (Southington, Cheshire, Wolcott, Waterbury)

MacLean's reply; hence Hageman's opposition to him as a Republican Candidate:

Sun, 21 Aug 2005 13:37:30 -0400

Dear Doug,

Thanks for getting back to me.

If I intend to run a Values/Principles based campaign, I need to do a little teaching on the matter first because most folks don't really know what that means. In short, a Value or Principle is the place where you start; it's the bedrock of your Ethics, it's the place from which all your specific beliefs, opinions and positions emanate. Values can be either Positive or Negative. An example of a Negative Value was when the Nazi's promoted the idea of a Master Aryan race. So if they were the Masters, then, by definition, everyone else was somewhat lower on the scale. So their specific policy, to eliminate the Jews, naturally flowed from their Values or Principles on a Master race.

But Positive Values also work the same way. As a Christian, my Values are rooted in the Person and Ministry of Jesus Christ. So any specific position I make in my campaign needs to first connect with that Value and, in a wonderful phrase the Evangelicals use, we need to ask ourselves, "What would Jesus do?" That's a Values based approach so my answer to your question will flow from that bedrock understanding.

The interesting part is that people of good faith, people who start with a Values based approach, can often come up with different answers to any particular issue. So I don't see it as inconsistent that 2 Christians, each using a Values based approach, can come up with a different position regarding the 2nd amendment.

So what's my position? Starting with the Value of "What would Jesus' answer be to this question?" I have come to the conclusion that, had the technology existed back in the 1st Century, Jesus would not have owned a gun. The handgun of the 1st Century was the Roman sword so when the High Priest sent the Roman guards to arrest Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter, trying to protect Jesus, took out his sword and cut off the ear of the High Priest's slave. "Jesus said to Peter. "Put your sword back into its sheath. Am I not to drink the cup that the Father has given me?" (John 18:11.)

The other Value I bring to this discussion is one where we let the text, be it a Biblical text or Legal Text, speak with it's own voice. To let the text speak to us and not we speaking to it, we need to understand as much as we can about the historical context, the authors, the language of the day, in short, as much context as we can. So when I read the 2nd Amendment, I see that it was written in the context of a State Militia, not something we think of too much now in the 21st Century. But that really mattered a whole lot back in the 18th Century when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution. Because a lot of people in that day didn't like the idea of the Federal Government funding and equipping a standing army, it was important for the individual States to maintain their State Militias. So the right to keep and bear arms was established, not as an individual's right to own a gun, but as a State's Right to maintain it's Militia.

Let me include some material I found on the internet written by Sanford Levinson of the Univ. of Texas Law School.
"I begin with the appeal to text. Recall the Second Amendment: "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." No one has ever described the Constitution as a marvel of clarity, and the Second Amendment is perhaps one of the worst drafted of all its provisions. What is special about the Amendment is the inclusion of an opening clause -- a preamble, if you will -- that seems to set out its purpose. No similar clause is part of any other Amendment, [38] though that does not, of course, mean that we do not ascribe purposes to them. It would be impossible to make sense of the Constitution if we did not engage in the ascription of purpose. Indeed, the major debates about The First Amendment arise precisely when one tries to discern a purpose, given that "literalism" is a hopelessly failing approach to interpreting it. We usually do not even recognize punishment of fraud -- a classic speech act -- as a free speech problem because we so sensibly assume that the purpose of the First Amendment could not have been, for example, to protect the circulation of patently deceptive information to potential investors in commercial enterprises. The sharp differences that distinguish those who would limit the reach of the First Amendment to "political" speech from those who would extend it much further, encompassing non-deceptive commercial speech, are all derived from different readings of the purpose that underlies the raw text. [39]
A standard move of those legal analysts who wish to limit the Second Amendment's force is to focus on its "preamble" as setting out a restrictive purpose. Recall Laurence Tribe's assertion that the purpose was to allow the states to keep their militias and to protect them against the possibility that the new national government will use its power to establish a powerful standing army and eliminate the state militias. This purposive reading quickly disposes of any notion that there is an "individual" right to keep and bear arms. The right, if such it be, is only a state's right. The consequence of this reading is obvious: the national government has the power to regulate--to the point of prohibition--private ownership of guns, since that has, by stipulation, nothing to do with preserving state militias. This is, indeed, the position of the ACLU, which reads the Amendment as protection only the right of "maintaining an effective state militia...[T]he individual's right to keep and bear arms applies only to the preservation or efficiency of a well-regulated [state] militia. Except for lawful police and military purposes, the possession of weapons by individuals is not constitutionally protected." [40]

Therefore, my position on the 2nd Amendment is that the Constitution did not establish an individual's right to gun ownership and Congress or the Individual states are therefore free to enact whatever legislation they see fit to pass. But to take it a step further, Because I don't believe Jesus would have owned a handgun, I am in favor of enacting handgun control legislation but I would not include rifles or shotguns in that bill.

Thanks Doug, we'll be in touch.


The Reverend Scott G. MacLean

Hageman in an attempt to salvage what could have been a viable GOP candidate trys to tactfully straighten MacLean out on the 2nd ammendment issue:

Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005

Subject: You need to re-think one position

Undoubted you're very close to the perfect candidate - unfortunately most Republicans will be looking to support someone who believes in the Constitution in it's entirety and someone's clearly sold you a bill of goods as it applies to the Bill of Rights.

If you recall history, we were losing the war, the Continental Army was pretty much getting it's head handed to them left & right by the Redcoats until the Brits made the error of inciting the citizenry at large via a handfull of what would now be considered terrorist acts. THEN the population at large (the "militia!") was motivated, took up arms and in concert with Washington (the man not the place) handed England their only defeat in about 1000 years.

The militia *is* the citizens - NOT the Army and since it pre-dates the Nat'l Guard by around a century certainly not that either.

That's not opinion on my part that's the law:

US Code Title 10 section 311 militia: composition and classes

(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b) The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

A "well-regulated" Militia


The following are taken from the Oxford English Dictionary,
and bracket in time the writing of the 2nd amendment:

1709: "If a liberal Education has formed in us well-regulated
Appetites and worthy Inclinations."

1714: "The practice of all well-regulated courts of justice in the

1812: "The equation of time ... is the adjustment of the difference of
time as shown by a well-regulated clock and a true sun

1848: "A remissness for which I am sure every well-regulated
person will blame the Mayor."

1862: "It appeared to her well-regulated mind, like a clandestine proceeding."

1894: "The newspaper, a never wanting adjunct to every well-regulated American embryo city."

The phrase "well-regulated" was in common use long before 1789, and remained so for a century thereafter. It referred to the property of something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected. Establishing government oversight of the people's arms was not only not the intent in using the phrase in the 2nd amendment, it was precisely to render the government powerless to
do so that the founders wrote it.

Thus any perspective that the 2nd was intended to do anything less than protect the individual's right to keep and bear arms is intellectually dishonest.

Certainly most Republicans hold Democratic Congressman Charles Rangel who has the integrity to speak against firearms while stateing that it will take an amendment to reverse the 2nd in higher regard than those who wish to make believe the 2nd doesn't say what it does say so clearly. He is considered honest regarding the issue, at least.

There are dozens of quotes available online from the Founders regarding the 2nd as well and in concert with a literal reading of the 2nd makes their intention more than obvious.

You should be aware that I'm neither a hunter nor shooter, indeed I can't recall the last time I even handled a firearm and am by no means any sort of so called gun nut. It's the perversion of the Constitution that I as well as 1000's of others find offensive.

Predicably you'll wind up facing a very vocal minority of CT Republicans (we are as a group last I looked about 68% pro-choice) that are rabidly anti-abortion as well (abortion is not a constitutional issue) and they'll make your life as miserable as possible as will their allies the
gay-bashers (that's not a constitutional issue either).

I would strongly suggest you re-think your position on firearms and align yourself not with the ACLU (which most of us recognize as a communist organization as were their roots (I can back that up)) but with the NRA which is not who or what you think it is at all I can assure you of that. (They are the only bonafide source of any firearm safety training for example)

To take out Larson without the clout of the NRA is probably not going to happen. You need the intensity of their members, those members work and donations, and their 80%+ voter turnout. If you're looking for a bunch of tattooed pickup driving beer swilling characters that will NOT be who shows up - I'm well aware of the picture painted by the left of the average NRA
supporter but have found that picture to be laughably erroneous.

This is not to say you need to come out and even bring up any firearm issues at all - in fact you probably should not. However when asked directly you should have the correct answer and that answer is not a matter of opinion but rather one of law.
ie: "I don't think anyone needs a
handgun but the 2nd amendment is clear on the issue, and I intend to support
and defend the Constitution of the United States of America regardless of my
own beliefs as it is not my position to substitute my opinion for
that of the Founders."

I would like to work with a candidate that could win and look forward to doing so.

Best regards;

-Doug Hageman 16th district State Central

MacLean's response? A terse:

"Doug, Thanks for your input."

Eddie Pocock's website is up!

on Wednesday, July 12, 2006
One of the town of Southingon's finest sons ever is running for the 30th assembly seat.

See Eddie Pocock's (E-3) here! E-3 for State Representative

Sam Caligiuri on WSFB's Face the State

on Thursday, June 1, 2006

Sam Caligiuri on Face the State with Al Terzi May 28th 2006

What's interesting to note (during minute #4) is that Sam's opponent (admitedly a political unknown) was invited but was a no show!

This guy's a REPUBLICAN?? Not a chance.

on Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Thank heavens for Miriam Masullo.

Were it not for her the GOP would have to tolerate someone to the left of Larson running under our banner and for this Republican, that's simply unacceptable.

To "tolerate" the intolerant, that is to say bigots or those who insist on associating with them, is beyond the requirements of the GOP's "big tent".

MacLean has yet to disavow the actions of a group he proudly presents himself a member of as they regard Israel. Do do anything less is to expose one's self to charges of antisemitism.

This article from Jewish Week speaks loudly enough:

Is There Anti-Semitism in the Divest-from-Israel campaign?

The above articles beg the obvious question. "Why not just outright endorse both Hamas & Al Quida too while you're at it!"

There's more.

MacLean, on August 21st 2005, (prior to even registering to vote by the way) wrote to member of CT Republican State Central; "....… my position on the 2nd Amendment is that the Constitution did not establish an individual's right to gun ownership and Congress or the Individual states are therefore free to enact whatever legislation they see fit to pass. But to take it a step further, …..
I am in favor of enacting handgun control ...."

His new website has a different take as someone twisted his arm into cleaning that up a little.

However he does go on and on regarding how much better off we'll all be once we have 8,351 members of congress and he claims it'll all work much better too!

More later.


Masullo mulls primary

Miriam Masullo may challange for the Republican nomination for Congress in the 1st district.

More later - filing has to be in today.


Who are these characters calling themselves Republicans?

on Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Republican Party is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States.

Indeed the party began life as the Abolishionist Party.

Somewhere along the way we managed to forget or otherwise lose sight of our own roots and began attracting opprotunistic weathervanes like Lowell Weicker and even worse, bigots like David Duke and Paul Streitz.

This blog will be dedicated to exposing so called Republicans that refuse to remain true to the root cause of the party's original formation.

Less government.

Strong national defense.

Minimize over-regulation.

And most important - 
The Republican Party is no place a bigot should 
feel safe from physical harm. 

We should all revere the actions of 
Connecticut native, Abolitionist John Brown

-ACR (Authentic Connecticut Republican)